Right Shade of Gold?


Aug 11, 2006


This is something Russel could never get right:

One result of the Adidas contract is that fans will eventually see more Tech apparel, made by Adidas, and in one shade of gold.

But this is also why:

Part of Tech’s challenge in this realm has been that, while old gold and white are the school’s official colors, the school also gives licensing approval for other shades of yellow and gold for different uses, which is how the Tech bookstore can sell apparel with varying hues. This has been known to cause irritation among certain pockets of the alumni.

The athletic department needs to stop shooting itself in the foot and only license one shade of gold.
Repost!!! Yeah, I screwed up and didn't read to the end of the other thread. My bad.
We've got to have 1 shade of yellow as well. (How many shades are there?) Buzz would look stupid in gold.
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We've got have have 1 shade of yellow as well. (How many shades are there?) Buzz would look stupid in gold.

Who can forget this...

It's definitely a conundrum. Official color stays "old gold." Fan apparel will be "Ramblin Wreck gold." However, our mascot is a yellow insect. This is leaving aside that our athletic teams were actually named after their fans memorably wearing yellow.

Stansbury and the Adidas marketing team certainly have enough political capital with me to support the direction they're going.
Develop or on Color, easy to do. Some guy named Moore was in the paint business. They could help. Look at all the bad colors of orange. There is hunting orange, DOT orange and nothing sux like a big Orange. So lets make GT Gold.

Back to the bourbon,
Vintage CPJ response (separate article)
Asked if he thought the move away from Russell Athletic will help recruiting, as has been postulated frequently, Johnson said, “We’ll see.”

Johnson called it a factor, but said he didn’t think it would be a deciding factor.

“The kind of kids that it’ll be a deciding factor for probably aren’t going to get in school here,” Johnson said. “But it certainly can’t hurt. It’s got to help.”
I have never understood how our Great logo could have been messed with over the years, but it has been.

Over the years we have had some unis, some in basketball and I think some in baseball, where the classic, traditional interlocking "GT" has taken on a more rounded look (for lack of a better term perhaps) than the classic one on the football helmets.

I don't think they looked as good, others may like it better.

Doesn't matter.
I think the actual interlocking GT (official) is an omega on its side. That's what gives it the rounded look.

I have heard that the football helmets have one with slight dimension changes to account for helmet shape, but I don't know for fact.
It's definitely a conundrum. Official color stays "old gold." Fan apparel will be "Ramblin Wreck gold." However, our mascot is a yellow insect. This is leaving aside that our athletic teams were actually named after their fans memorably wearing yellow.

Stansbury and the Adidas marketing team certainly have enough political capital with me to support the direction they're going.
Nor does it help that the yellow insect has black markings rather than blue ...
The tough thing is how many fans disagree on the "right shade of gold". I would agree that the "Calvin Throwbacks" symbolize THE gold, but many would not.
The tough thing is how many fans disagree on the "right shade of gold". I would agree that the "Calvin Throwbacks" symbolize THE gold, but many would not.
I'm among those that can think of other uniforms and golds he liked better. Like the unis against Southern in 2014.

imho we should be in gold-white-gold every possible game. White home jerseys is a GT distinctive.
I'm among those that can think of other uniforms and golds he liked better. Like the unis against Southern in 2014.

imho we should be in gold-white-gold every possible game. White home jerseys is a GT distinctive.

I liked them too. But, what made them look "off" to me when they wore them is the color of our helmets. To be honest, I don't see Adidas making "Tech Gold" the color of the pants, but closer to the color of the helmet. Hope I'm wrong
Develop or on Color, easy to do. Some guy named Moore was in the paint business. They could help. Look at all the bad colors of orange. There is hunting orange, DOT orange and nothing sux like a big Orange. So lets make GT Gold.

Back to the bourbon,

You left out POTUS Orange