SPECIAL...SPECIAL..Read all about it...
RM-2, I'm seeing the prize possession of UGY laying on the 50 yard line of BDS/GF, curled up licking his hind end. All of a sudden a YELLOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JAAAAAAAAAAAAACKET buzzes down and stings him a new one. The old flea bitten excuse of a fine breed of bulldog jumps up and runs right out in front of the RAMBLIN WRECK during pregame, at which time he meets his demise. Now RM-2, your job is to make it a newspaper article. Will you put it in the OBITS? FRONT PAGE? SPORTS SECTION? tell us how you'll do this one.
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The AJC,in a special edition, due to the fact they are all mutts ass sniffers, ran the presses at approxiamtely 7:50 p.m. on Saturday evening.
As the Clean Old Fashioned Hate rivalry was getting ready to kick into high gear, the AJC is reporting a catastrophe at the mid-filed strip at Historic Grant Field.
The warm-ups had concluded, the teams had returned to their locker rooms and every fan was working themselves into a frenzy prior to kickoff.
UGAVI, or UGAy6 as the Tech faithful refers to him was laying in the middle of Bobby Dodd Stadium. The UGAy cheerleaders were attempting to take over our beloved stadium by leading cheers and they used UGAY6 to help them. As the cheerleaders started their whiny dawg chants, UGAY6 turned around to lick his arse. While in the process a large and vast band off YELLOW JACKETS nosed dived out of the west stands and stung him right in the ASS!! The GT faithful went berserck in laughter. Ole UGAY6 jumped up and proceeded to try and escape the YELLOW JACKETS. Without knowing where he was running, as all UGAY fans, he headed straight in the vicinity of the GT locker room.
At that precise time, BIGGGGGGGGGG John Davis, as Al Ciraldo once announced over the air waves, was preparing to lead the team out into battle in the Ramblin Wreck. When Ole John saw UGAY6 he just could NOT resist. BIGGG John waited Patiently as the PA gave permission for GT to take the field. (He was given the honor of driving the Wreck b/c he of all Tech faithful hated the pups most.) Upon receiving the AOK The Mover stomped the gas peddle, and out of the tunnel came our beloved YELLOW JACKETS. As the Wreck was nearing the mid-field stripe JD took the Wreck to the next gear and LO AND BEHOLD their was UGAY6 right in front of him. Not only did JD run over the maingy, crotch sniffing, hydrant humping dog, BUT he put the Wreck in reverse and backed over him AGAIN for good measure. The GT faithful went CRAZY!!
BDS@HGF was in true pandemonium.
Upon learning of the fate of UGAY6 RM got out of the Wreck and went to check on UGAY6. He was given a microphone in which EVERYBODY thought he would apologize for this mistake. Upon taking the mic JD held his hands high, to quiet the crowd, and made this final statement,
"I am Georgia Tech proud. I always have been and always will be a YELLOW JACKET!!!!! To the UGAy fans in attendance in MY stadium here tonight I say TO HELL WITH GEORGIA!!!!!"
With this statement JD turns KICKS UGAY6 again and leads the GT faithful in the school fight song.
To find a copy of this article please go to your local public restroom b/c this paper as with UGAy isn't worth a SHIT!!!