Roddy Jones and Jonathan Dwyer


Varsity Lurker
Dec 30, 2005
Both of our running back verbals had big Friday nights with both running for over 200 yards.
techfowl said:
What's the deal with that sig? Do you work at Abu Grab?
I'm guessing you mean the avatar?

If so, it's a video capture from the sketch comedy show The Kids in the Hall. Character's name is the Eradicator and I always found this show to be funny, so, I captured it and use it.
BankerJacket said:
Both of our running back verbals had big Friday nights with both running for over 200 yards.
Excellent news BankerJacket!! Good to hear our verbals are beginning to have monster seasons.:FIREdevil:
DerekMGT04 said:
I'm guessing you mean the avatar?

If so, it's a video capture from the sketch comedy show The Kids in the Hall. Character's name is the Eradicator and I always found this show to be funny, so, I captured it and use it.

I loved Kids in the Hall. That skit is a classic to me. Along with the Chicken Lady.:laugher: