RR and the Hive

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Dec 15, 2001
I personally think RR is doing a good job with the Hive and if people would just putting crap on the board and follow the rules me, all of you and RR would not have any problems. I'll support RR until the very end and hope the hive keeps up the good work.
Oldfoggy... that good work you are referring to includes that I have sent in 3 requests to join the hive... the first in late November... I have heard from him once... and when I read the tantrums that are pitched on the site... well, I just dont see the good work... it seems to me that he is in over his head.. (I havent had to wait 3 months to join any other board... including Notre Dame, Boston College, FSU, and UGAG)
I don't see why we are discussing another board on this board. I think that this board is far superior to the Hive in terms of speed, layout, and quality of posts. They just have the numbers. It's like Christina Aguilera and Britney...Christina is better in every aspect, but Britney is more popular. Let's not whine or complain like Chirstina does, though. Just makes us look worse.
U are correct in some respects BUT not in all! Had U taken the time and read more post's than just this 1 U would have seen the Hive & RR bashing that has taken place on this board. So I suggest U read a little more!
I disagree that there is any "Hive or RR bashing" going on here. Most of what I have read are statements of facts, and user's opinions of said facts. I understand that RR is very busy and cannot find time to validate new users, but if this is the case, he may want to remove the statement when you join that says "Confirmation that your account has been set up will be emailed to you within 48 hours (or so) of your request being made.".. after a month or so of waiting, why would you expect the user NOT to be upset and want to voice his opinion. I am not seeing any "name-calling" here, just honest open dialogue.

Look, we all love the hive. Most all of us post there. I can understand RR's frustration, its HIS board, and here are these people posting things that he doesn't want to see there. But when you open your pool to the public, its gonna get peed in.

We all support RR in his effort to run a fine message board.
Hey.. I want to make it clear... I am not bashing RR nor the Hive... I KNOW that I dont want the responsibility for running the site... but that is a choice that he has made.... I can say that I appreciate the Hive being in existence... but it doesnt change the fact that 3 months of time, and my sending 5 emails, have not gained me admission to the site... in comparison, it took me one day to join the ND site, 5 minutes to join the UGAG site, 5 minutes to join the FSU site... 5 minutes to join this one....these are just the facts... I dont understand it taking 3 months to do anything... besides maybe building a house etc...and dont see that as a job well done... thats just my opinion.... I am not bashing... I just telling what my experience has been, and that I do not agree taking exception to a person just because their viewpoints and opinions are different than mine.... I may disagree, but I learned a long time ago not to gather up my toys and run to Mama...
Originally posted by jacketguy:
Hey.. I want to make it clear... I am not bashing RR nor the Hive... I KNOW that I dont want the responsibility for running the site... but that is a choice that he has made.... I can say that I appreciate the Hive being in existence... but it doesnt change the fact that 3 months of time, and my sending 5 emails, have not gained me admission to the site... in comparison, it took me one day to join the ND site, 5 minutes to join the UGAG site, 5 minutes to join the FSU site... 5 minutes to join this one....these are just the facts... I dont understand it taking 3 months to do anything... besides maybe building a house etc...and dont see that as a job well done... thats just my opinion.... I am not bashing... I just telling what my experience has been, and that I do not agree taking exception to a person just because their viewpoints and opinions are different than mine.... I may disagree, but I learned a long time ago not to gather up my toys and run to Mama...
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">JGUY,
THAT IS A CLASSIC POST! That may be the best post yet on stingtalk!
Originally posted by jacketguy:
Hey.. I want to make it clear... I am not bashing RR nor the Hive... I KNOW that I dont want the responsibility for running the site... but that is a choice that he has made.... I can say that I appreciate the Hive being in existence... but it doesnt change the fact that 3 months of time, and my sending 5 emails, have not gained me admission to the site... in comparison, it took me one day to join the ND site, 5 minutes to join the UGAG site, 5 minutes to join the FSU site... 5 minutes to join this one....these are just the facts... I dont understand it taking 3 months to do anything... besides maybe building a house etc...and dont see that as a job well done... thats just my opinion.... I am not bashing... I just telling what my experience has been, and that I do not agree taking exception to a person just because their viewpoints and opinions are different than mine.... I may disagree, but I learned a long time ago not to gather up my toys and run to Mama...
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">JacketGuy, I'm with ya. I have sent 15 - 20 e-mails for a registration and all I got back was a reply about a month ago that he was busy and had tons of applications to process. I don't know what he has to do to activate an application, but considering the time it took you to get on those other boards, I can't imagine that it is an all day job. I kinda felt like he could have set up my application in about the same amount of time it took him to e-mail me. From the look of some of his recent posts I'm not sure how long he is going to keep the board up any way.
Thanks Law and Dallas... I think alot of times the meaning is lost in the typewritten words... maybe its the expectation that people come onto these boards just to bash other people... it is never my intention to do that... and I look at this board or the Hive or any other board for what it is... a place for people to pop into and share thoughts and opinions on topics relative to the purpose of the board... This is a good board... and so is the Hive.. they are just very different... and thats not a bad thing...
I've said this before and I'll say it one more time. I am unbiased. I enjoy these boards for what they're worth. I live out of state and none of you guys know me. It took me all of 48 hrs, here recently, to join the Hive. I have not donated any money. No politics, I applied on the
regis/admin part of the site and it happened. Go figure. OH, I also appreciate Stingtalk and GTWorld.

Go Jackets!!!
I enjoy StingTalk and the Hive both, but I also have applied for an account on the Hive 5 times following the instructions exactly and have gotten no response. If he's busy, I certainly can't complain -- I'm sure that running one of these boards is a "labor of love"
BeeStorm, I just love your public pool analogy!! That is so kewl AND so right on!!
Not sure how I missed this thread about this other GT board and was thinking about checking it out.

Anybody here know anything about it??
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