Sapp calls Miami loss 'disgraceful'


Varsity Lurker
Oct 26, 2004
Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

My dad pointed this out to me in today's Florida Today:

Sapp calls Miami loss 'disgraceful'

The best quote is: "Unbelievable. Are you kidding me? Georgia Tech? That's like the sisters of the blind."

Somebody get this to the players to get them fired up.

(First post, longtime lurker.)
To hell with georgia
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

THANK YOU---THANK YOU---THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This may just be the tail kicker for our team to get fired up with. HAHAHAHA I'm so glad to read this.
Funny thing about the article is, if Warren Sapp is such a devoted UM alumni fan supporter, wonder why he didn't even care to watch us smear his Alma Mater. Doesn't say much for him, does it. Thanks again BMEjacket04. You da' man.
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

the buldged-eyed idiot would know better than anyone about being disgraceful. Next question.
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

Did Sapp graduate early or something? The article says he spent 3 years there. If he didn't graduate, Miami is not his alma mater.

He needs to face up to the facts that Miami will get beaten once or twice a year from here on out. Georgia Tech, Clemson, North Carolina, Virgina, VT, State, FSU, BC are capable of beating the Canes in any given year.
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

Sapp still thinks that teams like Rutgers, Temple, and Pittsburg were powers. GT was winning National Champsionships back when Miami was a girls school without a football team. What a moron.
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

I'm just enjoying watching Miami implode. Their so-called supporters are turning on their program like starving rats.

Get used to it Miami. Your cushy life in the Big East is OVER.
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

I went to fat albert's "official website" to see if I could fire off an e-mail to his sorry arse (telling him that we would do it again next year)but he has no contact info on the site.

Any ideas on how to send him a nasty e-mail?
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

Sapp is an ignorant thug. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/behead.gif He is the guy that kicked Falcons QB Chris Chandler in the head while the guy was down on the turf. You can always expect something stupid to come from this guy's mouth. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/behead.gif
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

Sapp hasn't been relevant in the NFL since he played for the Bucs - and there it was more the system than him.

Nobody would know anything about him if it weren't for his fat effin mouth.
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

Sapp hasn't been relevant in the NFL since he played for the Bucs - and there it was more the system than him.

[/ QUOTE ]

Rich McKay knew what he was doing when he ran from Sapp as a FA for the Birds. Let Moss and Sapp rot in Oakland. (no pun intended)
I can\'t believe your first post ...

is quoting the butt hole Sapp! He is not welcome here.
Re: Sapp calls Miami loss \'disgraceful\'

I sure hope somebody there in Atlanta has run a copy of this over to the GT field house. Our guys need to read this one.