Satisfied? Yes. Happy? No.


Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 7, 2003
Well, I said back in August that I'd be happy with 7-4, and that CG should have an extension. Looks like that happened, so I can't be too dissapointed with the results, but the way we got there was one heck of a roller coaster ride. We've had a lot on us this year, but we'll have a lot on us every year, things happen and thats the way its going to be.

Chan becomes the first GT coach to lose his first 4 to the Mutts, I know he's probably more upset about it than we are, but that kind of tendancy doesn't bode well. We really have to find a way to win this game, or we're going to keep on being the little sister program in the state, and never going to be consistantly good. Watch what happens in South Carolina over the next few years, or look at Auburn now, they started really giving it to 'Bama a few years ago and they're getting scary good talent. I know, I know, its not a conference game, we put too much emphasis on it, etc, etc. Call me old fashioned, but beating the mutts makes a season for me, the others might get you national recognition, but Clean Old Fashioned Hate makes you king of the great state of Georgia, and its been far too long since we've had the crown.

Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% behind CCG, and we're going to need him the next few years with the crap storm thats in a holding pattern over North Ave and 10th St. Changes definitely need to be made though in areas of our game which have been outlined a hundred times already. I did talk to a friend of a friend who came to the game, he's a fan of some big 12 school and just visiting for the holidays so we got him a ticket, and he had the same critiques about CCG that come up over and over, the "playing not the lose" comment came out, and all I could do was chuckle to myself. Everyone sees it, we just got to get more aggressive with the playcalling to really be successful. We're going to have more than a few question marks on defense next year, and its not going to be the same without big 56, wilkerson, Reis and others. And we're going to sorely miss PJ carrying the ball, he's the heart and soul of the offense and a good man to boot, I think 22 will step into that role soon though.

Overall, the season was acceptable, and a few yards away from being really special, but thats what seperates the great teams from the good teams each year. One more win each year and we're where we need to be, consistant top 20/25 ( 8 out of 11, or 8.5 avg in a 12 game schedule regular season), and poised to make a good run at a BCS bowl every 5 or so years when everything comes together.

I think we'll get a better bowl berth than expected this year, and finish out by beating a quality opponent. Looking forward to Gator, and an outside shot at the peach, but we'll have to see what happens, its been a crazy season (just look to Tennessee for evidence of that).

Give 'em hell, Tech, give 'em hell.
I too, can go back and reflect on my pre-season expectations ...I looked at 7-4 as being a successful 2005 campaign. Now, 7-4 has been reached, but GT didn't get there quite the way I expected them to. Given the results of this years schedule, I expected to lose to Auburn and Miami, but thought GT would defeat N.C. State and UGA.

Chan Gailey, along with Bill Curry, has lost his first four games to UGA ...and that doesn't sit well with many ...doesn't sit well with me. Hey, GT has only defeated UGA 11 of my 40 years of being around for Clean Old Fashioned Hate ...that certainly disgusts me.

I've only been a member here on StingTalk for two weeks now, so I feel compelled to come out and say that I have never really been a fan of CCG. I didn't want GT to hire him and I felt a bit deflated when he got the job. I do want to stress that I have supported him since his first game on the sidelines as the head coach of my beloved Yellow Jackets. CG has won 7 games in each of his four seasons, and may (will) get 8 after the (probable) Music City Bowl.

I went back and did some research on GT since 1965, which is when I was born.

From '65-'69: GT won 28 games (5.6 per year)
'70's: 61 (6.1), '80's: 43 (4.3), '90's: 66 (6.6)
and '00-'05: 45 (7.5)

From '65-'05: GT has 243 wins (6.1 per season)
9-11 wins has been reached 6 times, 6-7 wins has been achieved 19 times and 1-5 wins 16 times (thankfully no winless seasons).

After mulling over the numbers, CG's results are above the curve when compared to the last 40 years. I can reflect and say that I am satisfied where the program is right now under CG, although I am not happy about losing to UGA four years in a row. I am thrilled with wins over Auburn (twice), Miami and Clemson, but disgusted with losses to the likes of Duke, UNC and N.C. State.

I am happy with the overall general direction of the program. GT has been over .500 for 9 straight years. The last time that happened was 1917-1925. Now, GT was .500 or better from 1951-1966.

Also consider that over the last 15 or so years the competition has been much better than it was when GT was an independent (although Auburn & Tennessee were regulars on the schedule with Alabama and Notre Dame showing up every now and then) and better than the pre- FSU, Miami, Va. Tech and BC ACC.

Next year i expect to see vast improvement in special teams play, more consistency from the QB position and CG must find a way to get the ball more to CJ. Oh, and a win at UGA wouldn't hurt either.
I am happier than I am satisfied.

I do not think I can ever be fully satisfied in a season in which we lose to UGA. We could go 10 - 1 and lose to UGA, and I would not be satisfied, although I would be happy at the overall performance. Alternatively, I would be somewhat satisfied with 1 - 10 year in which we beat UGA, but I would not be happy.

To be fully satisfied with a season, we have to beat UGA.

Chan is going to have to break through at some point. The record is GT losing 7 straight to UGA. To me, it does not matter if we go 10 - 1, 10 - 1, and 10 - 1 over the next 3 years, if we are 0 - 3 against UGA to set a record 8 straight losses to UGA, then there will be problems. (The 8 losses in a row record belongs to the other side of fence, and I want to keep it that way.)

However, let's at least be accurate.

Chan becomes the first GT coach to lose his first 4 to the Mutts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bill Curry lost his first 4 in 80, 81, 82, 83 before he finished 2 - 5 against UGA.

Bobby Ross lost his first 2 in 87 and 88 before he finished 2 - 3 against UGA.

B*** L**** was 0 - 2 or 0 - 3 depending on whether the 1994 game is counted in his record.

O'Leary was in charge of the team in 94, 95, 96, and 97 to start 0 - 4, before he finished 3 - 5.

I expect Chan to break through against UGA soon, and I am sure that he wants to beat them as well.

It is frustrating that we have had our chances in the last two games, but we have self-destructed through various mental mistakes, penalties, and turnovers.

For a GT coach to be fully accepted and appreciated, he has to beat UGA. Chan did a good job this year and deserved the extension. However, we need to up the performance level against UGA because we have not yet played our best game of the season in the Big One. Some of that problem stems from facing very good UGA teams. However, our own mistakes in the games are avoidable.
Who cares!!!! If it had any implication to going to the ACC Champoship, I would want to beat the snot out of them everytime, but it doesnt! IMO, thats why UGA loses to Florida every year(not to mention in the same conference)! We get so wrapped up on beating them, we beat ourselves. If we ever as fans and a team(with help from the coaches) ever realize this, we just might win one! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bash.gif
Should we rewrite the "Ramblin Wreck from GT" and "Up With the White and Gold" to minimize UGA? Should we take the "To Hell with Georgia" off the Rat Hats?

Come on. That is what makes us who we are. To give up hating UGA would be to lose our fundamental nature.

If we go 0 - 3 in the next 3 games versus UGA, I will care, and I will not be polite and patient about things as I usually am.

I hope we come through against UGA soon, and I fully expect us to do it.
Agreed TT, its our battle cry, and it should not be deminished. And I think we agree about the other too, just have different definitions of satisfied/happy. As the THWG issue of the 'Nique says "As much about us as them".
I agree that its a great rivalry and as the book states "great old fashion hate". But I get tired of reading the same thing over and over and over about how or why or what UGA is up to. Look all over this board right now and every post you read has something about UGA. Lets get over it and focus on something that we can make happen..I just read something about stated many, many times before on this board, I'm tired of mediocrity. Whats it going to take for us compete consistently at a high level and stay competitive in our own division====the answer is RECRUITING!!! Unless something changes soon, i.e. coaching, AD leadership, I have to learn to accept it...or don my rose colored glasses or the dring the Koolaid, one~
You don't think a lot of the ugag discussion has to do with the fact that WE JUST PLAYED THEM? You're right though, recruiting is the key. But if you're expecting classes ranked with ugag or USC, etc., forget it. We can't get most of those kids in. But we can improve recruiting by getting better at targeting those kids who can play and do the work required. Chan seems to be improving at that and I expect him to continue.
I wonder if the level of emnity towards UGA for a Tech fan depends on various factors such as 1) whether they witnessed the SEC battles between GT and UGA, 2) whether they grew up in the state of Georgia, and/or 3) whether they live in Georgia now.

I was born in 1968, and I do not remember any SEC games. However, almost all my relatives for a few generations in Georgia are Tech fans or grads. Growing up in Atlanta, I had to put up with all the woof woof behavior in the early 80s of "Lindsey Scott, Lindsey Scott, Lindsey Scott", "There Goes Herschel", and "Look at the Sugar Falling Out of the Sky."


I hated UGA from as far back as I remember, and I recall my grandmother telling me she laughed at a GT sign that said "We Trust in Dodd to Kick Their Butts".


I only wanted to go to GT, and it was the only school to which I applied. My hatred of UGA is too ingrained to change now.


I have personally lived through and followed GT during two longer UGA win streaks from 78 - 83 and 91 - 97. I do not like being on an 0 - 5 streak against UGA in any way. I am patient, but we need to turn it around soon.