Sense of Urgency?


Dec 8, 2001
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before. If you have I apologize.

The biggest thing I noticed from looking at Chan on the sidelines from the upper East last year and on TV on the road was his lack of a sense or urgency. All the close losses we had last year: Clemson, Wake, FSU, Fresno State; one would think Chan would be milling around on the sideline and looking at least a little perplexed. I mean keep your composure but that is rediculous. To me, it looked like he didn't really care that much. Hopefully, we will get used to him and he will go somethin like 9-3 this year so he can be around for a while. I have no problem with CG. I just had a problem with his methods and tactics of doing things last year. Thoughts?
What's so ridiculous about a guy keeping his composure? That's a pretty weak base to say someone looks as though they don't care if you ask me.
gtfan1147, I think there were a lot of fans perplexed about last year's results, and especially the quarterback situation.

As a Tech fan, I am pulling for Tech to surprise a lot of teams and am hoping for a bowl win this year.

We can't do anything about last year, but we can be behind them this year. We could be pleasantly surprised.

A "sense of urgency" has been a tad bit overrated in the last decade. Peeing in your pants doesn't necessarily mean you're any more intense or competent than the next guy. Management styles actually vary from man to man and are largely personality based. A man can be "Mr. Mild" and still have a "sense of urgency." (actually, I think this pseudo philosophy was originated at Awbun
) I, personally, was always taught that "cooler heads prevail" and I'm still convinced. Give a man a chance and you may wind up being surprised with his ethics. A sense of urgency is vital in theory but variable in practice.
I don't know about sense of urgency, but I would like to see him show more emotion and enthusiasm. Not going ape or anything, but a good battle general doesn't sit there stone faced. Chan needs to be doing a bunch of back patting and a little ass kicking.
All I'm sayin is the guy looks like he's got a bad case of rigor mortis on the sidelines. He doesn't show emotion, and I think that's important for a coach to do. I mean if the head coach looks like he is showing an indifference toward the game, then th eplayers will reflect that. O'Leary got on his players asses and motivated them. I'm not saying that O"Laeary is right and Gailey is wrong. I'm not saying that Chan doesn't motivate. He is just not as vocal and seems passive about situations. I'm not saying that I don't like Chan Gailey. As a matter of fact I like the hire. I just believe he needs to be more vocal and get more involved in ways besides calling the plays.