Should we bring back O'LEARY?


Nov 25, 2001
Should we bring back O\'LEARY?

This is something that your initial reaction is a BIG NO, but it is not that simple.

To be honest I am more worried about the program than I am O'Leary. If we had a candidate that I could realistically place my confidence in then I would not be posting this.

1. We would probably get a HUMBLE O'Leary and that is probably better than anybody else that has been mentioned
2. O'Leary can flat RECRUIT and hopefully we would improve on this year
3. To be honest, we know what we are getting and there is some value to that
4. GT would have the opportunity to give something back to a man that has given a LOT to GT
(GT spurned this man when they hired B____ Le____ and yet O'Leary came back to GT)

1. GT would take more of a PR hit than it already has
2. GT is an academic institution and to commit a fraud relating to academic qualifications is a VERY SERIOUS act
3. There is a possibility that one of these UNPROVEN candidates could take us to the next level.

These are just some of the Pros and Cons, but it is something I think we have to consider given the way the hiring process has gone so far.
Re: Should we bring back O\'LEARY?

Interesting topic. I'd have to weigh in on the "NO" side. Think of the following items:

1) Recruiting would take a serious hit during the next few years if we keep him. Our enemies would use the fraud thing against us to the max.

2) We need to get to the next level. While I think most of us appreciate the good work that he did for our school, we also realize that he probably had done as well as he could. His best record over a 7 year period was 10-2 and that was because of Fridge's high-octane offense. Without Fridge, O'Leary's records before and after were at about the .500 level.

Bottom line: If we want to become a championship team, then we need a different man at the helm. There's no guarantee that the next guy will be any better than O'Leary. He might even be worse. But if we keep O'Leary, then we will have assureds ourselves of 6 to 8 wins a year from here on out.

Let's have the courage to make the change. Remember this. He left us. We didn't leave him. We need to move on to the next guy, whoever that is.
Re: Should we bring back O\'LEARY?

Rehiring O'Leary would just further my view that GT is leaning more and more toward the left wing liberal line of thinking. i.e. You are not responsible for your own actions. You should not be held accountable. In the years I was at GT, it seemed that every seminar that was posted was heavily left wing biased. Dont want to start a political debate, but that was just something I observed personally.
Re: Should we bring back O\'LEARY?

never , never , never ,never ,never ,never ,never,never ,never,never, by the way who runs this board and why are there 2 people with toe meets leather. i didnt even like him when he was here , he is lost without the fridge.