Sorry harvard. Everybody loves Ga Tech

I saw that on my phone and tried to read it because of the picture but it was an Apple+ article. Couldn't open it. I then figured Google threw that picture up there because of my GT fandom. Kinda' like they did two weeks after I got my first smart phone, walking by the Varsity from the NAve Marta and when I tried to text my daughter while standing in Callaway Plaza I went to type the word "for" and the phone predicted I wanted to type "frosted orange".
Don’t send my boy to MIT
The dying mother said,
Don’t send my boy to Harvard
I’d rather see him dead,
But send my boy to Georgia Tech
‘Tis better than Cornell.
And as for the University of Georgia
I’d rather see him in hell!

There fixed it.
saw this on social media:

More Northern kids are watching Alabama–Georgia football games and thinking, “I want that.”
The number of Northerners heading to college at Southern public schools has skyrocketed 84% over the past two decades and jumped 30% from 2018 to 2022, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis.
Better weather, cheaper tuition, a less politicized environment, and the sense of community during college football Saturdays are the big reasons why college kids are pouring across the Mason-Dixon Line, admissions officials told the WSJ.
Ole Miss had 11 freshmen from the Northeast in its 2002 class but more than 200 in 2022, Tennessee’s freshman population from the Northeast ballooned from ~50 in 2002 to nearly 600 in 2022, and Alabama reported that 11% of students were from the Northeast in 2022. It was less than 1% two decades earlier.
South Carolina is also a draw for Northern students. The University of South Carolina and Clemson each enrolled hundreds of freshmen from the Northeast in 2022. At South Carolina, that was a 659% increase in 20 years; at Clemson, the jump was 456% over the same period.
The surge of enrollment in the South is also having an impact on the local economies. Researchers at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and others learned that about two-thirds of college graduates end up working in the state where they attended college. And according to a study from payroll company ADP, the five most promising locations for finding work after college are all in the South.
My son in law is from Evanston and he said that about 5-6 of his HS come to GT most years.
It’s no wonder. Harvard is a bohemian hippy filled mess. I was quite disappointed when I finally made it there for a tour.

MIT, however, is a brother from another mother to Tech. I could feel her cold mathematical heart in the halls and see it in the exhausted faces of the students. They must have their own version of the metaphorical shaft and I’m sure it’s extra cold to the touch when you have to wade through snow in the Boston winters.