Stadium Expansion - Future?

My best friend and I went into BDS around Memorial Day and compared to what it looked like in 2001, it looks great. A lot of college stadiums have a unique look and feel about them. BDS is part of that tradition. Both the Swamp and BDS are stadiums with no 2 sides looking the same, but BDS looks A LOT better than that place.
I'm not really complaining about the new expansion, I just like the way the stadium used to look without Edge and Wardlaw.

The Flats
Our once-beautiful stadium has taken many hits from the Ugly Stick over the years. The first blow came with the building of the Edge Center. Brutalism architecture on the corner of a historic arcaded stadium and across the street from brick Gothic dorms was a bad move. The Edge Center sticks out like a sore thumb.
Next came the Wardlaw Building in the South. This "white elephant" not only reduced our seating to an embarrassing low figure, but was almost as ugly as the Edge Center. This building takes up tremendous real estate and gives Tech little back. Modern weight rooms and parking could have been included in any addition, the Wardlaw structure is a terrible solution to those needs.
Finally, we have the North Stands addition. This could quite honestly be the ugliest stadium addition in the country. We have all heard the excuses of why it looks the way it does....this is bull shxx. Lack of money and vision is why we now have this oddly engineered marvel. Tech AA wanted +/-55,000 seats "on the cheap", but screwed the pooch by also wanting premium seating(and lounge) in the East. The East stands demolition and renovation was so costly to do, that the North stands had to make up the financial slack for the total project to work. Only at Tech would AA officials actually reduce thousands of seats between the 25's in an effort to generate more money for fewer seats.

The North Upper Deck is a bastardization that could have been avoided on the way to stadium expansion. Too late now. The stadium is so goofy looking now that any future attempts at renovation or addition should just play off of this "goofy" theme.
The stadium has many options for later growth.
1. A small double deck on the South stands with the Wardlaw building being modified.
2. Remove the Wardlaw, and create a large double deck in the South stands.
3. Triple deck the East stands.
4. Bring the West stands up to code (not a major expense as we are told it was going to be), and add seats in the NW and SW corners. These seats would not be seamless, but at this point, who would notice.
Somebody has got to have the "Ugliest Stadium in America". It might as well be Ga. Tech.
I agree with the post and the follow up by Dodd's Ghost. The Wardlaw Building was a terrible idea - admin seems to be good at generating those - both in terms of architecture and short-sightedness. For an engineering school, somebody must have failed but done extremely well on the golf course to have gotten the contract to construct a black, square, darth vader looking building looming over the end zone.

In contrast, I compliment the blending of architecture in the west by integrating the old piping into the upgrades a few years ago. Like Dodd's Ghost, the view, although limited, of the gothic dorms could have given us more of a Camden Yards type of feel.

What to do at this point? Get a President and AD committed to a big-time football program. Win and create ticket demand such that it makes financial sense to implode Wardlaw and bowl in the south.

Tradition Tradition Tradition!
To me, the north seems to be in three sections. The first being what we had last year, and the "new" additions appear to be in two sections...

IMO, the north would have looked FAR better just by adding one additional section this summer rather than two. Take a look and you'll see what I mean.

It would have conformed better to the overall look,and we realy don't need that uppermost section (which, to me, gives it this odd look), as it only will be filled by Auburn, UGA etc...

Also, if we needed more seats, we could have put them elsewhere