

Mediocre Poster
Jul 24, 2002
Anyone know how to get in touch with him? According to gtfan he is still a member of this board. I've sent him a couple of PM's with no response. Gtfan says his email address isn't working either. He's usually one of the more vocal posters, so its concerning that he has been away from the board this long. I hope nothing bad has happened.
I have been wondering where he is myself. I hope he hasn't gone back to BO.
Yeah it is strange he usually posts here quite regularly. I hope he hasn't gone back to Buzzoff a.k.a the dark side.
BarrelORum said:
Anyone know how to get in touch with him? According to gtfan he is still a member of this board. I've sent him a couple of PM's with no response. Gtfan says his email address isn't working either. He's usually one of the more vocal posters, so its concerning that he has been away from the board this long. I hope nothing bad has happened.
Was wondering where you went to BOR. Good to see you are back.
floridajacket said:
I'm honestly very concerned. Here's a link to his profile.

Click on "find all posts by statelinejacket." He had multiple posts every day stopping abrubtly on September 19, 2 days before the Virginia game.

This is all very, very strange.
That is very strange, going from multiple posts every day to all of the sudden no posts in nearly a month. I honestly hope nothing serious has happened to him.
Click on "find all posts by statelinejacket." He had multiple posts every day stopping abrubtly on September 19, 2 days before the Virginia game.

I heard a rumor. Some local Tech fans were held down by angry rioting Cavaliers and fed tea and crumpets from silver trays until they lost all capability for rational thought, and were signed up as writers for .. Perhaps Stateline was one of these.

Seriously, you guys are almost assuredly freaking out over nothing. Probably didn't pay his internet bill.
Stateline and Bilbo finally tied the knot in an impromptu ceremony after the UVA game. While travelling abroad on their honeymoon it has been difficult for Stateline to find internet time. When he does find time, he's mainly posting on the Cowboy's board about how Bilbo is the best QB on team and would be starting if not for a NFL-wide, Gailey-based conspiracy against him.
BarrelORum said:
JTS, I think you are confusing him with 3518.

No, BOR, Stateline frequently, loudly, and vehemently blamed Gailey for "ruining Bilbo's career as an NFL QB" by switching him to receiver.
No, BOR, Stateline frequently, loudly, and vehemently blamed Gailey for "ruining Bilbo's career as an NFL QB" by switching him to receiver.

That's great GTLee, what a fabulous point you make to an unrealted topic. Its not the damn point of this thread. The guy goes from posting everyday to no posts at all. I would say something may have happened to him. Its concerning. So show some ööööing respect and stop piling dirt on an unrelated issue.
u guys are a bunch of freaking nerds! We were just asking about the well being of a poster who knows a hell of a lot more footbal than you ever well.