Steve Sarkisian is "disable".

Wesley, you should definitely try this next time you get canned.
I think that's why he's doing it. He knows he won't coach again. Either that or he doesn't want to and rather get wasted at a craps table in Vegas.
If he goes through rehab and apologizes he'd have no problem finding a job. I think you're right on option B.
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He should take the settlement from this and move to a dry city like Lynchburg, TN where he won't be tempted by the devil's elixir. If it's illegal, there's no way he could abuse it any more.
He should take the settlement from this and move to a dry city like Lynchburg, TN where he won't be tempted by the devil's elixir. If it's illegal, there's no way he could abuse it any more.

Wow! Sounds like a fun place to live!
Wow! Sounds like a fun place to live!

Jack Daniels is located there. It stays a dry county because JD likes to excitedly tell you "we make whiskey in a dry county!!!" Like it is a big ööööing deal. They are allowed to sell directly to you a special limited edition bottle of Jack Daniels on the premises for a special high price.
Good luck with that...

If USC has a policy in place that lets a janitor go through rehab without losing his job, then Sark has a chance.

This also lets USC pay him out from their absurdly large endowmemt, rather than from the AA coffers. Expect a sealed settlement before all is said and done.
California = The state of fruits and nuts.

I wouldn't be surprise if someone gets sauced and try's to sue their place of employment for being drunk..I mean "disable" :rolleyes:
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I always figured he would sue. It probably depends on the language of his contract, but he may have a case. It may have been better to keep him "on leave" until the offseason, and then try to work out a settlement. Either way, it's more egg on Haden's face.
I personally buy into the whole "It's California" line of thought, which suspends both logic and reason while supporting contrived "niceness" and the culture of litigation ... Look for a hasty confidential settlement and the imminent termination of AD Hayden.
you guys are such preemptive morons when you start throwing out stupid conclusions like "California". whatever.. this is a pure contractual issue and an attempt to use the FEDERAL Americans with Disabilities laws. NOT CALI... HAYDENS fault
I always figured he would sue. It probably depends on the language of his contract, but he may have a case. It may have been better to keep him "on leave" until the offseason, and then try to work out a settlement. Either way, it's more egg on Haden's face.
It would have been better for Haden to do as you have suggested and keep Sark on rehabilitative leave of absence until the end of the year--especially if they already knew they were going to keep the interim guy as permanent.
I always figured he would sue. It probably depends on the language of his contract, but he may have a case. It may have been better to keep him "on leave" until the offseason, and then try to work out a settlement. Either way, it's more egg on Haden's face.

Unless his contract says "I get to be drunk at practices, games, and flights home from games. Otherwise, you pay me $30M", there's no chance.