Stingtalk Chat Test


Dec 3, 2001
Just tried your chat room and it seems to be working marvelously.
I tried to log on to the chat room and I got erroneous nickname error, after inst. page
Your browser needs to be Java capable in order to use the chat applet. If you are unable to use Java applets then you can download a program to access the chat room through the efnet IRC network.

Windows Users HERE
Mac Users HERE

List of Efnet Servers HERE
I got in fine. Hopefully I will be able to chat with you guys thursday night. I really enjoyed them when we were doing them before. I'm sure we'll have a bunch of people in there once we get closer to football season.
Please take a moment and try logging into the Chat room. I have made some modifications and I want to get an idea of user connectibility.

If everyone would like to have a chat Thursday June 27 @ 10:00 pm, we can. I am thinking that the last thursday of every month until football season would be good. The we can go weekly when football starts. Remember that the Chat room is available 7 days a week/24 hours a day for any impromptu chat.
Was able to connect with out problems. Good idea to start chat again.

Is Beeware invited?

Just kidding