Summer workouts??


Damn Good Rat
Nov 25, 2001
OK does anyone have any word on how "voluntary" summer workouts are going?? According to the AP and thus the AJC, Ugag players are building/have built a house for habitat for humanity. That's such a great idea to instill values and teamwork. What are OUR players doing this summer? Anybody have any kind of report on how they are progressing with strength training for instance?? This seems to be a pretty big concern for Coach Gailey. We ARE relatively undersized and we were outfought by Ugag and others MANY times in the trenches last season. Becoming stronger and more aggressive (while not losing any of our trademark speed) will be two big keys to success in 2002.

Thanks for any help!!

I don't have a lot of info, but we heard in the chat the other day that Nat is up to 6'7 1/2" and 335. I'm sure many of the other players have added size, too, although I haven't heard about it. We'll be able to notice that more when Fall practice comes around. Like you said, I'm really hoping that some of our linemen have added size and strength to help dominate in the trenches.
Thanks man!! That's why this board is so cool. You ask a question and you get a straight answer without judgement, ridicule, or censure!!
