Sunday news & a dozen more BDS images

Assuming you're referring to the Alumni Mag. article, I understand his reference to black being the numerals, which would be correct, no?

Didn't seem to see any reference to the historic blue jersey, which he seems to have conveniently forgotten.
After re-reading, you are correct, he references "black numerals". I am not 100% positive, but my understanding is that the numbers were a deep navy blue as well, and not black. You are correct, he conveniently forgets about all those games in blue.

I'm getting the feeling that we may NOT have gold numbers this year, but instead will be black. That's OK, I guess, but I was really beginning to like the gold numbers, outlined in navy.

On another subject, after all the off-season complaining about jersey changes, premium seating, parking, etc, (and I complained a little too about all this) I think everything is taking shape and working out very well!! Your pictures really make the premium seating look like a great idea, it makes the place look like a first class facility. Parking is better than explained in the brochure and now I can have part of the stadium named for my family with a small donation
If they had only had this a few years ago I could have had one of those urinals under the old East Stands or beams in the lower East named after me

All in all, I'm ready for some football!!
Great job with the BDS@HGF photos!! Thanks for linking everything over here.

I like the idea of the 1952 blue retro jerseys, but not sure Drew Hearn would allow it
Plus, he thinks those old jereys were black instead of blue (per recent article). I can appreciate his white & gold agenda, but black?