Swamp kings episode 4 starting at 4:30 is pornography

i dont have netflix whats the jist?

Guy is a POS cmon man - no way!

As a thought experiment, if you had to make a choice, you taking Urban or Collins back at the Flats?

My morals are low, easy choice I take Urban, but I'd actually respect your convictions if you choose Collins, especially stating it on the record so to speak. If there is a limit, well then not so much.
As a thought experiment, if you had to make a choice, you taking Urban or Collins back at the Flats?

My morals are low, easy choice I take Urban, but I'd actually respect your convictions if you choose Collins, especially stating it on the record so to speak. If there is a limit, well then not so much.
Id take Bobby Petrino over Clown...