Swarm Week

No, it’s SJWs trying to claw their way into and destroy anything that is not progressive.

Is saying "clean old fashioned hate" at the top of the website progressive now?
Anybody wants to take my Clean Old Fashioned Hate can come pry it outta my cold, dead hands.
When my time on earth is clean, and my activities here are old, I want they fashioned me upside down, and my critics can hate my ass.
Is saying "clean old fashioned hate" at the top of the website progressive now?
They’ve tried to do it straight up. It failed. Now they are trying to inch their way. If you fold and let go of your hate, then I expect we will see you ten years from now carrying on the “proud tradition” of Bring Your Dog to the Clean Gold Standard Game.
Let's postpone this to the week of the 12th game
Kinda like the demise of the Red River Shootout and the World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party. MSM, academia, etc. are stupid.