Take it for what it's worth...


Jolly Good Fellow
Nov 11, 2001
Take it for what it\'s worth...

This is from an article from the ajc.com today

Music City executive director Scott Ramsey said his bowl needed a team that would sell tickets, and Virginia looked like the better bet.

"That was probably the feeling of the committee," Ramsey said. "Virginia did as good as anybody selling us on their program and their fan base. They really impressed us the last week and a half to two weeks. Virginia was probably the most organized and prepared. Their organization, preparation and consistency made it a good feel for us."

Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

I guess they were really 'impressed' with the whuppin' VT laid on them in the 'last week and a half to two weeks'.

Like the article hinted at/pointed out - outside of the NC game, it's not about W/L's but how many tickets you'll sell and how well you 'sell' your program.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

DBraine continues to demonstrate "lack of prparation" while refusing to take responsibility for his poor public relations tactics. Blame everyone else at the expense of Georgia Tech's reputation. Hasn't it been a pattern of selecting Bowl Games with teams that Tech can beat instead of grabbing national media attention against big name programs? Prime Time Play attracts "Prime Time Players". Think small be small defines DBraine's reign at GT.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

Teams don't select bowls, bowls select teams. I don't know that it's normal for teams to court bowls like a country would for the Olympics, but it sounds like that's what UVA did. If that's the way the game is played, Braine failed. If there's more here than we know...like the bowl director being an Old Dominion grad with possible UVA ties, then we may have been screwed from the start.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

I don't know that it's normal for teams to court bowls like a country would for the Olympics, but it sounds like that's what UVA did.

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It is very normal. Braine's quote today basically said UVa "bought" the game. So they must have commited to a large ticket guarantee.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

After just talking to cloughs' office, it would appear, according to them, that the NCAA assigns the bowls.

And there you go.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

So NCAA Probation helped us land in SF? DBraine did not do his job again - he is horrible at public relations and only sees short sided objectives.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

After just talking to cloughs' office, it would appear, according to them, that the NCAA assigns the bowls.

[/ QUOTE ]

What? This is nonsense.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

I know schools politic, but it sounds like UVA put together some sort of bid package. Is that normal?
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

Yep! With some certified BS attached about income levels of alumni / fans and how much they will spend per person, plus a commitment to block hotel rooms that exceeded Bowl Committee expectations. Just like the convention producers promise when courting a City to host an event. (Those rooms are negotiated "to be returned" if not purchased by a certain date by the school (or the convention producer) to avoid being stuck with the tab if people fail to book them. That's how the convention business works, why not the Bowl business? I'd present it like that if I were UVA. Apparently they did and it worked.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

I know schools politic, but it sounds like UVA put together some sort of bid package. Is that normal?

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Yes, it is normal. Schools buy their way into bowls by promising to buy a certain number of tickets and other incentives. Braine said we promised Music City Bowl to buy 20,000 tickets, and his implication is that UVa promised to buy more than that.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

Braine also said we would bring 10-12k fans. Which on the surface seems just stupid, but I wonder if he was refering to that many people staying in the city. Thats the only way I can see that statement making sense, but even then I see more of our fans staying in the city, its a possible day trip, but a lot of travel and Nville would have been worth at least a nights stay. I think someone needs a speech writer, and be kept away from the media.

Come on Curry, just get into the big chair and give us something to get behind.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

Braine also said we would bring 10-12k fans.

[/ QUOTE ]

Where did this come from? Maybe it was part of the same research used for the chairbacks.

I hope uva loses its ass.
Re: Take it for what it\'s worth...

"...and be kept away from the media." LOL!

I think EVERYBODY except Tenuta NEED A VISIT TO OZ to get a heart, courage, and GET RID OF THE BRAINE!!