TaQuan's Undershirt


Petard Hoister
May 23, 2010
After rewatching the UNC game... there were several times when defenders had a hold of TaQuan's undershirt. Sometimes he was able to wriggle free, but they definitely slowed him down and had a chance of tackling him with it.

Several players on the team prefer the long undershirts like TaQuan wears, and I realize this is a question of personal preference — you gotta feel comfortable out there.

Still I wonder if he'd consider wearing a shorter undershirt to give the bad guys one less handhold for a tackle.
One of the Austins wears a long gold undershirt every game, too. I forget which one. Guess it doesn't matter much on D though.
too long I agree
I don’t understand the long undershirt thing. It seems like a lot of our players do it, particularly on defense.
Yeah, I wish I were technically proficient enough to get a screen grab of the times when we was almost pulled down/definitely slowed down by the undershirt grab. Obviously he's a great player playing great for us. Just one of those little things that could make a difference at some point.
I'm glad you said this. I had the same thought watching the game. On one of his TD runs (I think the one where he dove for the pylon, in fact), he was almost stopped in the backfield purely because of his undershirt. That's all the guy had a hold of.