Tar Heel Travel


Nov 11, 2009
[FONT=&quot]I just returned from an appointment in Chapel Hill (around noon). As I drove from the campus area toward my office and the airport area, I was followed by three buses under police escort during a torrential downpour. They exited at the same interchange as me, but turned toward the general aviation terminal whereas I ventured to the office. In the interest of intercollegiate relations and good will related to tomorrow’s Tar Heel/Jacket soiree, I pulled a Maverick-Goose as the caravan passed me on the exit ramp. Indeed, I went into an inverted dive, and flipped ‘em off especially the lead bus where I figured the brain trust (as it were) rode.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]I could tell you more, but then I'd have to ......... oh, never mind. Just ask Charlie.
Should have taken one for the team and tried to put the bus into the wall.
We were picked #1 and turned in our wings. Now Dukes #1. We screw up this game we'll playing the rubber dogshit bowl outta Hong Kong.
This team's writing checks the bus drivers can't cash.