Ghost, I too have asked this question without ever getting a response. Via some behind the scenes emails I believe the general feeling is that the boxes will primarily be targeted to go to corporations first and further, there is some consensus from a few of my spies that Tech already has a waiting list from corporations. I guess here and there you might find one of the power alums who contribute in the 7-figures to the GTAA getting whatever they want. However, they too likely are getting them for business purposes. I'd expect you'll see a different group of faces in those boxes just about every game.
This isn't necessarily a bad thing though. First, it brings in much needed premium revenue. Second, it exposes Tech to some new faces who might not otherwise experience a Tech game. And third, it opens up premium seats in lower West that have been used in the past for this purpose. No, not many seats, but some.
I want to expand on the second point above. The more new faces we can get into BDS@HGF via corporate boxes, the better chance we get of attracting new season ticket holders and avid fans. Many of the faces you'll see in those boxes are likely transplants to the Atlanta area and many are college FB fans and looking for a local team to support.
My wife, 2 kids, and I were provided the opportunity to attend a UVa-UNC game a few years ago thanks to a local corporation who got us 50-yd-line tix. It was weird attending a game without Tech in it. But, I must admit we had a great time. So much so, we have made a few UVa games since. But if we hadn't been that one time, the only time we'd ever go to Scott Stadium would bee every other year when the Jackets were in town.