Tech Fund Issues ....


Not A Fan of Biden BS
Jul 28, 2002
What I see in reading this board and The Hive are mixtures of support, concern and some "freakoutery" (thanks beej). To ST's credit most of the freakoutery is on The Hive. The big issue that I see is:

Season ticket holders think that their attendance/ personal support trumps contributions to the AT fund and they are getting the short end of the stick where seats per $ are allocated.

Current AT fund contributors won't see a major change as they just shift these gifts to the Tech Fund and still qualify for season tickets in a good location, possibly an upgrade.

I am personally unfamiliar with the formula used relative to AT gifts and season ticket purchases to date. But listening to the bellyaching from the season ticket/no or low AT fund crowd makes me believe that the current plan puts way too much emphasis on the season ticket purchase and not on the contribution. IOW, these folks have much better seats than their purchases would earn them at other D-1 schools currently using a plan similar to the one our AD is implementing. You know them, these are the schools not currently facing a financial crisis in their AA.

I don't want to offend anyone but my point of view would be that the cost of the tickets are what you pay for the entertainment you are receiving. Whether or not that is a good value to you is up to you to decide. The contribuion, heretofore to the AT Fund, is what you should donate in order to support and grow your schools overall athletic program. This represents a commitment toward excellence, not maintenance!

GT alumni have shown through Roll Call contributions that their generosity to the Institute is among the strongest in the nation. We have always been committed to a top ranked academic institution and we intend to keep it there. Witness the fact that our endowment is 2-3 times that of our neighbor to the east despite the fact they have been at it 100 years longer with 2-3 times the number of graduates.

Now it is time to see if we are committed to academic excellence. We shall see if it works. But I applaud our AD for acting quickly, apparently after his predecessor let this situation simmer until it is close to a crisis.