Tech Fund "process fee"


Flats Noob
Nov 17, 2002
This may have been covered in the past, but I think it is crazy for the Rad and folks to charge me $20 just to cash my check. OK...I feel better.
I don't see why they didnt imclude that in the donation if they were going to have it anyways, at least let us get a few $ worth of deduction off of it. But I'm not an accountant so I won't pass blame, but agree that in general I hate processing fees.
FWIW, I'm pretty sure that it covers what the old $15 ticket processing fee did. So it was really a $5 increase. Don't quote me on that though.
I understand the process fee for tix. We get something for it, but the priviledge to cash my check. C'mon
This is not a processing fee for tickets. It's a processing fee for you to donate money to Tech so you can buy tickets. I guarantee that there will be another fee on the season ticket request.
midatlantech said:
This is not a processing fee for tickets. It's a processing fee for you to donate money to Tech so you can buy tickets. I guarantee that there will be another fee on the season ticket request.
This has been covered on the Hive - the "processing fee" covers the old season ticket processing fee. According to GTAA, there shouldn't be another fee when it's time to purchase tickets.
RamblinPeck said:
I don't see why they didnt imclude that in the donation if they were going to have it anyways, at least let us get a few $ worth of deduction off of it. But I'm not an accountant so I won't pass blame, but agree that in general I hate processing fees.
I always thought winning football games and exciting Saturdays at Grant Field is a better way to raise money than laying the burden at the feet of the faithful ticket holders.
mack said:
I always thought winning football games and exciting Saturdays at Grant Field is a better way to raise money than laying the burden at the feet of the faithful ticket holders.
That's great, mack, when you assume that there's enough revenue to operate under normal conditions (like when we're underacheiving by going to ACC Championship games and whatnot). There isn't.

And the faithful ticket holders AREN'T the only ones carrying the "burden". Student athletic fees have nearly doubled and the institute will be sharing the burden as well.
I am just waiting to see how many Tech Alums step up and pay the amount "requested" to keep our seats. Looks like RAD found Brain Deads playbook on raising money.

ContactBuzz said:
That's great, mack, when you assume that there's enough revenue to operate under normal conditions (like when we're underacheiving by going to ACC Championship games and whatnot). There isn't.

And the faithful ticket holders AREN'T the only ones carrying the "burden". Student athletic fees have nearly doubled and the institute will be sharing the burden as well.
I am sure you are right about the cash flow but it seems to me that most athletic dept survive on football and bowl games.Now ,not bitching ,but full stadiums and winning b ball aint enough anymore.I am schocked!I cant ever remember us being in this kind of trouble.I understand where you are coming from but where did the money go!Just curious
mack said:
I am sure you are right about the cash flow but it seems to me that most athletic dept survive on football and bowl games.Now ,not bitching ,but full stadiums and winning b ball aint enough anymore.I am schocked!I cant ever remember us being in this kind of trouble.I understand where you are coming from but where did the money go!Just curious
Where did the money go? Aside from supporting all 17 athletic programs (which all must stay to remain Title IX compliant), to the stadium renovation project and other facility upgrades. Part of the operating revenue goes toward servicing those debts & interest.
The V said:
I am just waiting to see how many Tech Alums step up and pay the amount "requested" to keep our seats. Looks like RAD found Brain Deads playbook on raising money.
D-Rad is actually raising money there's no question about that. Let's hope that he threw away Braine's book on spending money.
ContactBuzz said:
That's great, mack, when you assume that there's enough revenue to operate under normal conditions (like when we're underacheiving by going to ACC Championship games and whatnot). There isn't.

And the faithful ticket holders AREN'T the only ones carrying the "burden". Student athletic fees have nearly doubled and the institute will be sharing the burden as well.

Mack may have been on the sarcastic side but there is absolute truth in what he said.

Bring it on, Chan, so Rad doesn't have to grovel!!
LongforDodd said:
Mack may have been on the sarcastic side but there is absolute truth in what he said.

Bring it on, Chan, so Rad doesn't have to grovel!![/q uote]No sarcaism meant by my comments guys,always feel that the football program is the key to athletic funds.I still would like for folks to tell me where we lost revenue.
ContactBuzz said:
Where did the money go? Aside from supporting all 17 athletic programs (which all must stay to remain Title IX compliant), to the stadium renovation project and other facility upgrades. Part of the operating revenue goes toward servicing those debts & interest.
Thanks,still wonder about losing money but still feel that the athletic program is built on football .If the seats are filled on Saturday,the revenue usually takes care of a lot of ills.Thanks for the answer .I agree we have to take care of other programs and the stadium needed work.
Some of you need to come to grips with a certain cold, hard fact. We could win the MNC this year and next year we still wouldn't sell out every game.

We don't have a huge fanbase, so the fans we do have need to go the extra mile.
mack said:
Thanks,still wonder about losing money but still feel that the athletic program is built on football .If the seats are filled on Saturday,the revenue usually takes care of a lot of ills.Thanks for the answer .I agree we have to take care of other programs and the stadium needed work.

As to part one, the money loss has been mostly incremental, ranging from the AA agreeing to start paying for their own utilities in the mid-'90's, which have quadrupled since then, to covering a debt service for stadium(s) refurbishment to the fact that student fees hadn't been raised in ever to the level giving programs voluntary basis which is less than reliable.

And regarding your second comment about football revenue taking care of ills, if that were the case, why would successful programs like LSU, Clempsin, South Carolina and that other State school have virtually the same giving structure in place when they have waiting lists for their season tickets?

We've had it damn good for quite a while what with having a successful program, but not having to pay the price for one.

And I think the process fee is stupid. Either figure it into the price of the tickets or the donation. They're clearing close to a quarter million dollars in fees for something that isn't costing them 1/4 of that amount.
clapper said:
As to part one, the money loss has been mostly incremental, ranging from the AA agreeing to start paying for their own utilities in the mid-'90's, which have quadrupled since then, to covering a debt service for stadium(s) refurbishment to the fact that student fees hadn't been raised in ever to the level giving programs voluntary basis which is less than reliable.

And regarding your second comment about football revenue taking care of ills, if that were the case, why would successful programs like LSU, Clempsin, South Carolina and that other State school have virtually the same giving structure in place when they have waiting lists for their season tickets?

We've had it damn good for quite a while what with having a successful program, but not having to pay the price for one.

And I think the process fee is stupid. Either figure it into the price of the tickets or the donation. They're clearing close to a quarter million dollars in fees for something that isn't costing them 1/4 of that amount.
Thanks for the answer areyou telling me however,that SC,Clemins and LSU are in bad shape too.No need for a war on who is right since you cant beat figures just shocked me with tech football and basketball we are in such shape.thans