Tech locker room = FSU locker room


Helluva Engineer
Nov 20, 2001
I didn't see the game Saturday b/c I was climbing in Austin. BTW, Austin rocks. Anyhoo, from reading the message boards and talking to people, it doesn't sound like Suggs had a very good day. My question is this...I wonder how the players feel? It seems that FSU had the same problem as us. An underperforming QB that was starting. It took a blowup in the locker room to actually open BB's eyes and bench Rix. And look what happened...they started playing better ball. I wonder if that is going to ever happen in our locker room.
H-town, it is true we do not know all the circumstances behind the reasons Bilbo is not playing. However, the excuse given (not khowing the playbook) is extremely lame. Is not even believable to me.

Personally, I believe Gailey is losing some of his credibility as being an honest person with the Bilbo deal. It is a possibility this situation, coupled with a possible power struggle between coaches and players may be part of Tech's problems.

It is foolish for coaches to think they can pull the wool over the players eyes. A parent cannot even fool a child, because the child can see right through the parent many times. In other words, actions speak louder than words.

The point to this essay is to say, "it is entirely possible the players see clearly that Bilbo deserves a shot. I can only believe the players want to win and wants the coaches to give them the best chance to win. There may be dissention in the ranks over the issue.

If they think Bilbo would give them the best chance to win, and they feel leaving the present QB in will cause them to lose, they would feel like it is useless to sacrifice their bodies for a losing venture. Or to put it another way, "what is the use?".

ahsoisee, I normally enjoy your posts because you put a lot of thought into what you type. However, unless you have some evidence for this post it's a BeeWare-esq made up scenario to "explain" why things are rosy on the Flats.

Your whole message is one big "what if". IF the players believe Bilbo gives them a better chance of winning, and IF the coaches for some unknown reason aren't playing him, and IF there is a power struggle between the coaches, and IF the players are giving up, THEN THIS COULD BE THE REASON. Sounds like you should make a movie.

IMO if there were some great conspiracy to make us lose or if the players were divided in their loyalties we would see evidence of it. What I see is a team playing hard but not making plays. I see a QB who isn't making the big play to win some games but who is putting us in position to win. I see/hear about a backup with great physical talent who seemingly can't figure out the offense.

To your point, it is foolish for coaches to think they can fool the players. I agree. When/if the players react I will believe there is something there. So far what I see from the players is disappointment in the losses but no finger pointing. BTW, I think CG's credibility with his team is what's important. Whether you or I believe him is immaterial.
Originally posted by ahsoisee:
NCJacket, fair assessment, I have no problem with your post.

<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">AHSO Thank you It takes a man of great character to make a statement like you just did. You gained my respect.
Here's on view:

I have asked a couple of the seniors whose parents I have gotten to know over the years.

Their response: "He's not ready". They would describe the sort of errors in practice he would be making, which did not sound minor.

They weren't saying he wouldn't be a great QB down the road.

The impression I have gotten from the players and parents is that the current starter is the one the team feels like is the guy that gives them the best chance to win.

Also, I don't think these kids are "laying down" on the coaches - quite the exception (I think that's evidenced in their effort). I have heard statements like "He's my favorite coach I've ever had" etc.
TIAR,B thanks for the feedback.

Ahsoisee - you could end up right, I just don't like speculation on stuff like that w/o evidence. No problems.