I finally figured out why your readers no longer have confidence in your opinion.
Sunday's sports page headline ("XXX," referring to YYY) is an indication of the way The Atlanta Journal-Constitution views Georgia Tech. From the front page to the business page and now to the sports page, it is as if the AJC gleefully awaits lousy news about all things Georgia Tech and pounces with their poison pens whenever bad things happen to the good people of our state.
Other cities celebrate the successes and mourn the losses of local businesses, individuals and sports teams. The AJC takes the opposite position and — instead of boosterism — criticizes, investigates and ridicules all things Georgia Tech.
The AJC, not GT, is the real loser. In its mean-spirited delight over misfortunes, it has squandered the precious First Amendment right to influence and thus be considered a trustworthy source of objectivity. No wonder more and more people are tuning you out and turning you off.