The Canes fans are hating this loss BIGTIME


Aug 31, 2005
I know the Canes fans are hating this loss in a HUGE way. I went to a Thursday night game 2 seasons ago at the Orange bowl when they played the West Virginy Mountaineers.

Three observations:
1) Their fans are so spoiled that when they weren't up by 30 they were screaming to yank Brock Berlin. When Walter Payton's son fumbled they were saying to yank him, he sucked.
2)Their fans are a bunch of gangstas. Worst looking crowd I have ever seen at a football game. Worse than UGAy!

3) The whole time their drunken fans (they serve beer at the Orange Bowl becasue it's city owned-one of only three Div I stadiums that does so)were yelling, "kill those Mountainqueers!"
About #2 though, last night's game was the easiest way to see their cheerleaders without having to hand out a stack of $1 bills!
"kill those Mountainqueers!"

[/ QUOTE ]

That is hillarious, I've got to remember that one. As far as cane fans are concerned your depiction is pretty accurate, the fans down here are very vulgar, fair weather and only show up for FSU.

Yesterday they were pissed off, I had to walk over half a block to my car outside Orange Bowl premises and took a bit of crap from a few onlookers, luckily I was able to respond in spanish and that kinda freak them out, I guess they didn't think I was a local. And when I got to my car one of the car flags had been ripped out, I was lucky not to get any broken windows or paint scratches. I did get one fan's congrats on the win, but not without a sarcastic "is the biggest one in your programs last 30 years". All in all it was the average experience as a visiting fan.

PS: The liquor sales stop after halftime.
A few more observations about my trip season before last to a Miamaaa game:

1) One chick was wearing a shirt that said (on the front)"The Gators sux" and (on the back) "But the Seminoles swallow".
2) I had to park in some Cuban lady's drivway and she didn't speak ANY english except "$10". I thought my rental car would be gone when I got back. But there is no other parking. They only have a lot for a few thousand cars and it is in the worst part of town.
3) It was just hot as h***. And it was in October! I would not want to play a day game in September there. It would really be an advantage to them.
4) The Orange Bowl is owned by the city and the cily will put no money into it. It is the most run down stadium in the country. It needs about a $100 million renovation.
5)Their crowd was so full of Gansta, "in the hood" types (who like the bad boy image of the Canes) I just wondered what in the world will happen when they play in Charlottesville. What a culture clash!