The case of the missing GT.


Dec 22, 2001
Has anyone ever found out why the big "GT" was missing from the center of the field for the UGA game on Nov. 24? This was the first time that had ever happened in over 30 years! The Ramblin' Wreck has lead the team out onto the field for every home game since 1961. What would it be like without that? Put the "GT" back on there.
I think I heard it was b/c it was going to rain and they felt the paint would not hold up or something like that.

Had something to do with rain and something to do with paint.

and yes the reason I am up late is just got back from poker game. DID ALRIGHT!!!!
I cannot buy that excuse. The end zones were painted yellow and there were US flags painted at each 25 yard line next to the ACC logos which were painted on. There appears to be some Tech officials calling the shots who are not truely Tech people. This does not bode well.
I started asking this question immediately upon entering BDS with my wireless palmos device. the word I got was that it started to rain after the endzones were done and BEFORE the GT could be painted. This begs the question, why isnt the GT done first? I couldn't give a rat's a** what color the endzone is.