The character of this team...


Damn Good Rat
Nov 11, 2002
...can be summed up with this quote from Reggie at the end of the following article.

"We won't lose again," Ball said. "I'll tell you that."

I don't care what context you choose to interpret that statement, that's a bold statement by Reggie and I'm proud of his attitude. This was something the team didn't have last year. We've got a leader that's going light a fire under the team's collective butt and make sure that they're going to fight hard. Even if these guys don't sweep the rest of the way, I don't think there should be any question about their heart and their desire.
Thunder, the players do appear to have a good attitude, and Ball appears to be a good leader.

And, yes, some teams do tend to get the breaks in the calls by the refs. We were playing at the home of Bobby, and no doubt the refs feel the intimidation of both the crowd and Bobby.

Father Time
Character. That word should be emblazoned against TECH's ideals. That's what TECH is about. It's about character. (damn, that one's hard to spell) still don't look right<<<<<<<<<<<
Drove back last night from Tally and being in that FSU stadium CAN BE intimidating, but I found myself sitting just above our band in a sea of garnet and gold, getting my head "chopped" MANY times, but not once was I intimidated. I still cheered until I had no voice, sang the IARWFGT, waved my shaker till my arm hurt, jumped up and down when we were taking total how can I not be proud of this team? Yeh, it was hard to say we lost this game, but I sure am proud to be an alum and more importantly A TECH FAN! Thank you guys for one heck of a valiant game...this should go far in knowing that knowledge = power!