the CLEMPSON game


Nov 25, 2001
this game is going to determine our season

there will be one of two possible situations

1. Clemson has upset Ugag and now are looking to assert themselves well into the top 25


2. Clemson has 1 loss and is trying to avoid a 2nd loss early in the season

I believe we will know much about our new coach after this game. I hate to put too much into it, however we really need to win this game.
As always you are a most perispacious individual; it would be SO nice to have CU beat Athens Ag U, then GT beat both of them!!

Talk about sweet!
Originally posted by goldeagle:
As always you are a most perispacious individual; it would be SO nice to have CU beat Athens Ag U, then GT beat both of them!!

Talk about sweet!
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">to save the other readers time


\Per`spi*ca"cious\, a. [L. perspicax, -acis, fr. perspicere to look through: cf. F. perspicace. See Perspective.] 1. Having the power of seeing clearly; quick-sighted; sharp of sight.
Well you may be perspicacious, but I still say you can't spell. It's clearly CLIMPSUN. Haven't you ever heard them boys talk?

BTW you are right about the importance of that game. It usually sets the tone for our season.
ditto, law. History has shown this to be the case. Beat Climpsun, GT has a good season and beats UGAg(The Happy Time). Lose to Climpsun, GT has a poor season and loses to UGAg, too(The Sad Time). It's like clockwork the last 20 years.

The Happy Time: '84, '85, '89, '90, '98, '99, '00

The Sad Time: '83, '86, '87, '88, '91, '92-'97*, '01

* beat Climpsun in '97, and had UGAg beat until phantom pass interference call last minute of game. GT should have beat UGAg in '97, and this just further proves our case here on the importance of the Climpsun game.
I'd love to beat Clemson but let's take this one at a time and beat Vandy and UConn first. Let's send Bowden and his guys a message with our first two games. It's at Memorial Stadium, bue remember what happened last time we played there. 31-28. Great catch Kerry. Let's do it again!