The Crowd


Gettysburg. Wow.
May 20, 2003
Looked to be 41k us and about 15K for them. Any opinions from anyone else? Good showing for the Jackets. Lets work to cut their total in half in '07.

Jacket walk had about 3K?
ummm.... from the upper west it honestly looked like it was 50-50 everywhere else. Not sure what the west side looked like though.
I guess I just didn't have the perspective you had. Looked more like chicken pox from the LE.
Chicken pox huh? Your analogy can not be beaten!!! JJ, "you da man"
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Yeah the crowd was great, hated its distribution it looked 50-50, we definitely weren't setup to get a true homefield advantage but the noise level made it feel 80-20 to Tech fans, maybe even 90-10. I was amazed at how quiet the mutts were for 3 1/2 quarters, the Clemsum fans made more noise than them in a similar grinding-defensive football game.
I\'d Say 2 GT Per 1 ACI

It seems like more, because the doggies are so naturally annoying. Not intentionally, but naturally. They are the black sheep at the family reunion that you know is just going to scratch the wrong thing or blurt out the wrong thing at the worst possible time.