The hive


Dec 15, 2001
Just curious, how many of you will when the Hive no longer exists will not be using the new insiders Hive?

As long as the price of admission doesn't go up, I'll still go there unless the content degrades. I don't anticipate that as long as RR remains in control.

I've seen other GT boards that are just urinating contests between posters and UGAg posters. I hope it doesn't degrade down into that kinda thing.
Great place for info as long as it stays free. Internet is all about free stuff.

If the price goes up those people that pay please come over here and post for US CHEAP BASTARDS.

point made earlier is a potential concern with regard to the ugag insiders. Are those people going to have free reign?

If those people buy the UNIVERSAL plan can they demand to be allowed to post?

Guess we will find out soon enough.

I agree if RR is in control he will run a tight ship.
I'll read almost anything free about GT sports, as long as the ads are not too annoying and not too much riff-raff drifts in as a result of the increased exposure.

Expect more opponent visitors to drop in, since anyone on Insiders anywhere can easily click on GT. Hence, more smack talk and reaction to smack talk. It will be harder to sort out the useful information. The Vent was bad enough when it was mostly UGAGers biting each other, but once it went commercial, many fans of other SEC teams clutter it up with junk. (Haven't been over there in months.)

I'll probably subscribe to the premium service if I'm still doing the news, as that is where the real "inside" info will be. [Can't quote the news i read there, but can go look for it at open sources.]

The Hive will change. The Hive as we have known it will soon be gone. Hopefully StingTalk can be its replacement. It's already developing some of the Hive "charm" (like posters harping on one thing and attacking other posters like clockwork). Sometimes I'm glad there's no KILL button on my keyboard, I might do something rash. ;-)
I also will be using both boards but if as you say it becomes a forum for any and everybody to pardon the expression vent their dislikes of Tech then this will be my board.

I have been posting from my daugters computer for the past three weeks (have not had time to replace modem in my computer since my move and still have not subscribed to a new ISP), so I have not visited the Hive in over a month.

Most of my posts have been on Stingtalk since becoming a member, because I want it to succeed. We need more than one board at Tech, so I will probably always go back to the Hive occasionally to read posts there also.

I am glad to see a lot of the quality posters from the Hive on the Stingtalk board.


However, I consider myself to be more of a member of Stingtalk than the Hive.

I DON'T HAVE A LOT OF INCLINATION TO GO TO THE NEW HIVE EITHER although I have an account and can post there...

I'm a StingTalk man from here out, or until I get booted ...

This is my main hangout. But I'll also go on the Hive. Both boards are good and I think the Hive will continue to be a good board after the move (with a wee bit more smack talk though, as pointed out by Goldtimer above). A school like Tech needs 2 good boards.
What has happened to the Hive? I haven't been able to see it the last two days. I too got in trouble because I thought RR was too interested in "Happy Talk" and supporting Braine's line about all things Tech.The best sites allow a difference of opinion. I am a Tech grad but I do not agree with how some things have been handled by our AD.
I think the Hive has really changed over the years....Several years ago, it was full of great info on Tech sports, primarily football. t still does this. But to be honest, all the "insider" stuff, presumably by some good folks who tailgate together has become tiresome. Plus, there seems to be more and more BS posted that has nothing to do with Tech sports. I'm just not interested in what a lot of the "inside friends" have to say to each other - wastes board space IMO, and its almost become the "in crowd", sorta like High School...

This board has great info, great analysis, insight etc w/o a lot of the BS.

Having said that - I do like RR, he IS a nice guy and I do think he tries to do the right thing by keeping a good, clean board. But I'm starting to find myself over here more and more.
GR, Think you are correct in that the board has become a forum for parking and tailgateing problems. I want to read Tech sports, academics etc. RR is in fact a great guy and the first time I meet him I'll get him a beer but lately the board has become a forum for the things mentioned above.

I won't be on the new hive, because I could never get an account on the old hive. As long as nothing happens to stingtalk, I'm cool.
Have to agee with you. I like the Hive but when the biggest debate is who is giving up their tickets, etc. because of parking I get really fed up. Have to say I like the format over here better because active threads never roll off the board and you can get to older topics easier as well...even resurrect them if you're inclined.

I'll still check out the Hive as well though, I usually do both whenever I get a chance. So far the recruiting info over there (MasterB, etc) still is worth a look.
Will be on both boards.

It's all about finding good info quick, easy, and free. Talking GT SPORTS and having GT SPORTS dialog is important to me.

Put GT Sports in bold above to make a point. There is a lot that goes on on these boards without pointing fingers that has nothing to do with sports. Some of that stuff gets very tiring to me, but have to take the good with the bad. Appreciate all the hard work that people like RR, BeeStorm, GTFan, and others put in for the good of GT.

I'm curious to see how the new Hive molds itself. Wonder what kind of feel it will have. Although there is a new look, it will be similar I think.