The proper answer to the question "What's the good word?"

To Hell With Georgia is the only right answer.

yeah but thats not what's coming out. I make a point to ask (in every day life) and Im getting all kinds of shitty answers. Maybe when people are not at GT sports events, they forget the answer..
Feels right for this thread. Maybe hand them out to dumbasses.
Crossed paths with Roof at the Georgia high school state track meet Friday. Caught off guard, all I mustered was, "Hey Coach Roof" and gave him a thumbs up. He stepped to the side & extended his hand and said, "Hey man, good to see you." Obviously, I don't know him, but thought it was kind that he made it personable.

Yeah I know... Cool starry bra :bfd:

Seconds later, I immediately regretted not asking him "what's the good word?" He was walking with a mouth breather in a ugag pullover, so maybe I did him a solid not putting him on the spot. :dunno:
I get about a 50% response rate. I tried a guy two weeks ago at the Salt Lake City airport wearing a GT hat, but he was a dud.
I attended their graduation yesterday. I have never understood the appeal of that damn place.

Ryan Seacrest commencement speaker, BTW. He actually wasn't too bad.

I was nice, cordial, and pleasant all day. We got there at 10am. Did all the wandering around of campus.

Engineering class graduated maybe 50 max.

I still hate that damn place.
I get about a 50% response rate. I tried a guy two weeks ago at the Salt Lake City airport wearing a GT hat, but he was a dud.
Even the Gaggers at work know the answer. My Tennessee Vols buddy asked me the "What's the good word?" cadence at work every so often just to hear it.
A guy at work spent like one summer at GT and its how he greets me.

He also lived with Vance Walker, Adamm Oliver, and some of the other lineman. They called Vance Walker baby face.
My parents are dwag fans and went to the COFH tailgate last year (I couldn't make it). They sent me a picture of the guys they were tailgating with who were decked out in Tech gear and made some sort of nerd joke. I told them to ask the fans "What's the good word?" They responded with "Go Jackets?"
I wear GT gear to FSU events. Had a guy walk by our tailgate wearing a dwag hat and ask me what's the good word. told him THWG. he laughed and gave me a thumbs up?! I guess b/c we were both at FSU tailgates and not in Athens or ATL he thought it would be funny. I've done my part here to spread the hate. i'm a sidewalk fan.
I was at the UF/uga(g) game one year wearing a gold 21 CJ jersey. Had a drunk Florida fan yell at me "what's the good word?" Instantly responded, and we went back and forth with it all the way to "Piss on 'em" and had all the uf fans around me wondering what was going on and then start hollering after they heard "Piss on 'em."