The things we need to do.....imo


Damn Good Rat
Jul 16, 2003
Sign JT to a long term contract

Sign Chris Hatcher as OC, CCG is good, but he's too conservative.

Get a freakin radio station that broadcasts after sundown. How do we expect to get into the hearts and minds of the younglings when the "Official Home of GA Tech Football" can only be heard from sun up to sundown?
I was driving back form Thanksgiving in Macon and had to listen to 750am until I could get inside the Perimeter.

Get a marketing dept that can market and build GT as a brand. It would be a major help to this team/school to help turn the tide of the many things we have against us. We compete with pro teams, Atlanta is a city with many other things to do with your time than watch GA Tech football, many of the people in Atlanta are from else where, we have a small alumni base that is spread out over the country. Ugag has huge built in advantages that we need to use marketing to help over come. I'm sick of going in a store in places like Macon and never seeing one GT item, but tons of Red and Black.
Heck my wife went into Kroger the other day before the game and they had red and black cookies in the bakery with that big Green Bay "G" on them......but no GT cookies anywhere. Now I know cookies at a store seem like a minor thing, when we just lost to Ugag, but to the kids who don't know football and only know cookies, it can stick with them.

The ticket office is a joke! I got 9 tix to the homecoming game and told the person on the phone that I absolutely DID NOT want to sit anywhere near Clemson fans. When we showed up, we were the only gold in a sea of orange. And I got tix early.

I'm sure there is more, but in the end, just winning heals a world of problems.

Just a point on the lack of GT apparrel: My daughter wanted a Tech jersey for the game. Nothing special, just any kind as long as it was #21 or #45.
Hating the malls, and especially it being two days after TGiving, we went to Dick's sporting goods. They had a freakin' department of everything uga, and only 1 style of Tech hat.
Biting the bullet, headed to Lenox and all 3 sporting good stores had basically nothing Tech. At the last Lenox store, I talked with the manager and told him how ridiculous it was to not have Tech merchandise in the city of Atlanta.

He agreed with me, and put the blame on Tech. Said that Tech makes it so difficult with its licensing that most manufacturers simply don't fight hard anymore to make and sell Tech gear.

He sent me in the right direction though. A big plug to "Fan Attic" at Perimeter Mall. My daughter got her CJ jersey(of course it wasn't home gold, Russel quit making them for public sale!)
The manager at "Fan Attic" is a huge Tech fan. Told me that his store sells more Tech gear than uga gear.

This merchandise situation is very sad. With the exception of "Fan Attic", I could have bought a University of Illinois "Fightin' Illini" jersey at the other 4 stores we went to on Saturday, but not Ga. Tech.
Why is this so?
I feel your pain.

Thanks for the info on "Fan Attic" at Perimeter Mall.
I've purchased items from there before and I will buy more from them now that I know the manager is a Tech Fan.

It is crazy that we can't get Tech gear in go into most malls around here and you think you're in Athens.

As far as Tech making it difficult to merchandise I have no doubt that is true. Heck they tell us to wear gold at the games and then make very few gold items, even at the bookstore. When they do have gold items, They can't decide on a shade of gold!
Anyone has any official survey as to the fan distribution in the state, I can't remember but Sports Illustrated had some article on Ga (Cubs cover from spring 03 if I'm not mistaken) that said something like 17% of the state's fans were tech fans. I'm interested in the numbers of border state team fans (Clemsum, AU, UT, USC, UF) in Ga.
Not exactly what you're looking for, but I saw this linked on the hive a while back, has more to do with driving range for home games and such. But a good visual of fanbase regardless.

And be sure to check out this link that he included, have a little fun playing "guess the industry" for the high concentration areas. I bet theres an insane amount of GT ChemE guys in Houston.
Let me make myself clear, I would like a pie chart (any other chart would do just as well)or just some numbers that break down all the college football fans in the state of Ga and tell which team they follow. For example:

Ga's most popular football teams:

Ugag - X%
GT - Y%
Clemsum - Z%
South Carolina - M%
AU - N%
Bama - O%
Tenn - P%
Other teams -R%
Whatever the number is today, we need more fans. Attention to marketing has to be there to create more of a demand.

Winning of course, should go without saying.
we need more fans
Everyone knows this but when I see a post knocking Chan the next post is usually someone saying "he is not an alumni so keep out of this"
First thing you need is fans no matter where they went to school or even if they did
You call Uga fans all different names but they are still fans and they fill the stadium and buy thier merchandise and teach thier kids how great Uga is
And Mr Personality is not helping any
Well 17% would be a potential fan base of 800,000 fans. Assuming that 1 out of 3 actually cares, then we're talking 250,000 fans that could be activated.

Or in Atlanta, 200,000 fan base potential. Hmmm.
Interesting mid...

but I'd bet most of the 800K GT fans are bigger fans of the roundball.

Those fans could be easily convinced to get more excited about GT football too. IMHO.
Re: Interesting mid...

I don't keep up with basketball enough to know, just follow Tech there and don't look anywhere else until March. But is there another team in the South that puts together a more solid basketball/baseball/football(with 1 more win) program on a year to year basis?

Doesn't attract fans easily, but with the right marketting there could be a lot to gain from the bleed over. Things like having Gailey/Hewitt/Hall together on signs or something.
Re: Interesting mid...

But is there another team in the South that puts together a more solid basketball/baseball/football(with 1 more win) program on a year to year basis?

[/ QUOTE ]

UF does that, they are one of those schools that has good both basketball and football programs. Also Texas is ranked #2 in football and #3 in basketball so they have the best balance right now.

But getting back to the fan demographic question I would just like to add that we also have a lot of foreign students who couldn't careless about football so that has to be factored into the interest in the program question.
Re: Interesting mid...

Wouldn't really call Texas in the South, similiar, but its a region to itself in most ways.

Very true about the foreign students, most don't care at all, but on the plus side, those who do tend to get pretty fanatical about it.

Maybe we should offer an "Introduction to Southern Life" class that hits the finer points of sports/food/music/alcohol appreciation. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif

Same with anything GT though, once someone really buys into it, it gets in their blood and really becomes a big part of you.
Re: Interesting mid...

"Introduction to Southern Life" would be sweet....
Tailgating 101
Georgia Tech Football History 102