The weather.....


I'm all out of bubblegum
Dec 31, 2001
Looks like the weather is going to be nasty tommorrow. Does anyone see this giving either team an advantage? For some reason, this gives me some concern. I frankly believe our passing attack is much more potent than Clemson's. Rain could slow us down and keep this closer than we'd like. Thoughts?
Some QB's pass extremely well even though the ball is wet. With the turf giving way the WR have an advantage because they know were the ball is going.

Sometimes a rainy day is an advantage to the passing game depending on the qb.

The one thing that really throws off a passing game is wind which normally goes hand and hand with rainy days.

Tomorrow's forcast seems to be showers. I don't see it being a completely drinched field. If the field is totally soaked to the bone then the team with the biggest players have an advantage. Don't think for one minute it won't be off tackle left if it's a mud bowl! hehe
Just that much more puzzling why our starting fullback has not carried the ball this season.
Was stupid to waste two exhibition games and then expect Dixon to carry the ball in the rain against klimpsum.