The week before rivalry week


Varsity Lurker
Aug 4, 2003
In two weeks we have three big southern rivlary games coming up...Uga vs. GT, USCe vs. Clemson, and FSU vs. Florida. Who are each of these teams playing in the week before these big games?

UGa plays Georgia Southern
FSU plays Chattanooga
Florida play Fla Atlantic
USCe plays the Citadel
Clemson plays Weak Forest
We play Miami

It could be argued that Georgia Southern is pretty good and Miami is not really what they used to be, but why don't we schedule a "sisters of the poor" opponent the week before our big rivalry game?
We've had cupcakes in this situation before. We beat Alabama A&M 66-7 a couple years ago.

Last year, we beat #19 Clemson the week before while the mongrels were pounding Charleston Southern. That turned out just fine.
Playing cupcakes before a big game is very overrated. Willing to bet historical data doesn't show an advantage.
We did ok last time we played Miami the week before UGA

If we throttle Miami on Saturday, we'll know that Yetman has returned in power and glory and we're going to be in for a hell of a ride the following weekend.
At this point, what does it even matter?

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It could be argued that Georgia Southern is pretty good and Miami is not really what they used to be, but why don't we schedule a "sisters of the poor" opponent the week before our big rivalry game?

Richt says GSU is "great", so if Ugag beats then, they must be REALLY great.