The "Why people hate You Know Who" thread


new around here
Oct 18, 2002
Trying to keep a running tally...

The difference is most here did not refer to Reggie in slanderous ways like calling him "Leon" after the budweiser commercial of the primadonna athlete. Feel free to look that one up.
He can't, its been selectively deleted from the archives.

No that one was used often by half the people on that board when I used to read it. That guy is now trying to represent himself as a good respectable Tech fan, and he just has never been. At some point, he has insulted everything about GT including the students.

The only reason I can recall all of it is because he did it often. Before he created his own board he posted the same here. I think its rather funny that Irishe is coming to his defense.

About two years ago he decided to do a mass boot of posters on his board when they came in defense of Joseph Gilbert who he lambasted when he committed as a Junior to GT. It was April of the recruiting season and no one was ranked yet in the system. Didn't stop Bee from calling Gilbert a scrub and chewed out Gailey's ass for recruiting these losers. Knoxjacket and myself were two of the casualties of that mass boot.

It was easy enough to rag on Gailey's poor recruiting without having to single out a kid who commited to us and wasn't even yet evaluated by the services. But that was Beebad's style. No holds barred meant "I can say whatever I want to about whatever I want to, and the minute you disagree with me, I'm booting you off my board".

From day one, the purpose he was defined by and that he held the entire time he was here and beyond was to preach the notion that Chan Gailey would be the end of this program's winning ways. In his mind, anything could in some way be linked to how Chan would run this program into the ground. When he left here to do it on his own forum, he contradicted himself on a daily basis by deleting people's posts for not agreeing with him. (Something that wasn't done to him here, though he had such a profound disdain for this forum's moderation)

I've never cussed at any poster on any board, and always consider The Institute in any post I make.

I have spent quite a bit of time reading Buzzoff. It does not have the huge varied membership, and the tenor is overwhelmingly negative. It has more name calling and cursing than any of the other boards. The arguments put forth are more irrrational/absent of logic than on any other board. Some posters there were happy when GT lost because they hated Chan Gailey and thought it would get him fired sooner.

BBuzzoff posters do typically rail on our recruits with little actual knowledge about them. When Cooper Taylor committed, the consensus there was that he was a reach at best. Too thin, they said. Oops. He has been perhaps the most impressive member of that class so far. As mentioned Gilbert has been a stud as well. Ditto for Melton, who was dissed for being low ranked.

They also personally attack Georgia Tech student athletes. Reggie was attacked mercilessly there, often by Double B himself.

Good analogy.

For me its not about GT anymore. The guy posted a picture of my daughter on his board in an effort to take a pot shot at me. That illustrates a VERY basic moral malfunction that people associating with him need to really consider and think about.

I'll go to my grave holding that against him.

You can mess with me all you want. You don't stoop to messing with my kids unless you want an enemy for life.
Why can't we all just be friends?

Knows that he risks a "time-out" from StingTalk if he gives his true feelings about that pantywaste sumbeech who will remain unnamed.
I agree JoltinJacket, I dont know I want to just get along but they dont want to be friends with me.
I agree JoltinJacket, I dont know I want to just get along but they dont want to be friends with me.
Make your thread and stop posting about all of the supposed negativity. If you want the arguing to stop, then stop commenting on it. Simple.