There are STILL some here..........


Helluva Engineer
Aug 29, 2003
that continue to bash GT football and CG. Those who continue to do so are the ones who have done it from the beginning. I wonder if they will ever say anything positive about CG and the good things that are happening at GT.

Now we have some here who come into a GT board and loudly pick AGAINST us. Well my friends who choose to do this, you are NO fan of GT. Maybe you should try your stay over on the Hydrant Humpers board.

For myself personally, they can quit posting. I for one get tired of hearing them piss and moan about something they have very little knowledge about.

As I have said recently, if you can't fully support GT footbaall and ALL of it, then get the HELL out and stay out.

Something tells me another BIG win is coming Saturday!!!!!

GO JACKETS!!!!!!!!!!