They just blocked Pope's webite!!


Aug 31, 2005
They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

The UGAg administration just blocked Pope's website today. I guess the embarassment was just too great.

Also probably didn't want the NCAA sniffing around that 3.81 gpa student...
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

Its probably just down for maintenance and updates like:

...They let me out sos I coud go to the big city. Id hope to go cee the fishes but the nice man sed know and gave my medasin. They unloked the dore and i gots to play football past my bedtim. The man with the wistel sed I did gud and wud graduaet for sure.
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

That is funny. Poor kid.

But how do you "no" who blocked his website?
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

Because the 'this page could not be displayed' message had a UGag banner ad like the GT section of the AJC.
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

hate to break this to you, but I don't think it was blocked, I know some girls who are in a class[sic] with him this semester and they've got another website due tonight. Don't know if they blocked it before that or not, but they only get 1 account like our prism/acme account, so it will be the same place, look for more funny soon.
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

I hope you are correct about another website coming soon. I have had such a good time with this. It just shows what a joke many student athletes are at UGAg.

I do feel for Pope. He's been let down at every level of his education but he has not made the necessary effort either (that he knows he should have made). He has been given a pass. He will sign a big time contract and be worth millions in a couple of years (unless he gets hurt before then). I only hope he has enough smarts not to blow the money and end of like a William 'Fridge' Perry laying brick and broke today...
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

I missed it...what exactly did the site say?
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

It looked like a pre Tech/Georgia gag done by a clever Tech student.

If you really have not seen it, try to imagine Gomer Pyle writing a resume and short autobiography, but worse.
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

Let's see if I can copy and paste his introduction:

"My name is Leonard Pope III and I am a student athlete at the University of Georgia. I was fortunate to earn a scholarship to UGA from my great ability of playing football. But my act in class and reaching the standards that I need to meet will keep me here at wonderful school like UGA. I am from a small town in SouthWest Ga Americus, where most people hardly get the chance that I have to go to college. I played football and basketball for Americus High School where I led my team to back to back state championships in 2000 and 2001. I am the third to the yougest of my brothers and sisters where my little sister Brianna is the youngest at three and I also have a two year old daughter Cheryan. My road to success wasn't the easiest as I didn't qualify coming out of high school where I had to go to a military prep school in VA for a year. Know I'm here at the University of Georgia and is on schedule of graduating."

For Contact: Leonard Pope
XXX A EastCampus Village
Athens Ga, 30609

Bear in mind that he is a 3.81 gpa atudent as a redshirt sophomore at UGAg (his third year in school). His resume was just as bad...
Re: Two links!!

As I've said on here before, when I first saw this I really thought it was a practical joke on the part of one creative GT student/alum.

I still cannot believe that this information was posted on UGA's web site. Why didn't someone edit the information prior to posting? Why is it posted in Christmas colors? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif

I mean, hell, I am a graduate of the University ...and some of my UGA friends still wonder why I am a Tech fan.
Re: Two links!!

damn dude, you need a life if all you do is sit there and look and a young players web page from UGA! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif
Re: Two links!!

Sorry dude, I don't agree. Mr. Pope is a 22 year old man with a 2 year old child. In 18 months he will be worth $50 million. He and the U of GAg have cheated. As a former GT SA my team lost 2 head-to-head meetings with UGAg because of exactly the same thing. If UGAg's semi-literate players had not competed we would have won.

This is a clear cut case of UGAg cheating. Period. Everyone knows it goes on there and that is really the issue, not that its Leonard Pope...
Re: Two links!!

Damn dude back at you, the topic is a thread on StingTalk, and I chose to respond to the thread.

I do not need you to critique my posts or evaluate my life ...just don't worry about how I choose to spend my time. OK pal?
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

I find the site odd: in my opinion, the grammar doesn't read like that of an undereducated guy from Americus.

As someone who teaches graduate classes with lots of foreign graduate students, I've learned through the years to recognize the common grammar mistakes made by foreign grad students -- depending on their native language, the nature of the mistakes are different.

This is only my opinion, but when I read that web site, I immediately thought of the common mistakes that are often made by grad students from southeast Asia. Have you ever heard anyone from middle (or is it south) Georgia talk that way? (I realize writing and speaking are not the same, but maybe an English teacher from Americus can post here ...)
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

So if I hear you, you are saying that the athlete/stewdint in question may have been smart enough to find a semi literate foreign student to do the "website" for him, in order to hide to hide his cheating. Simply Brilliant!

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hugelaugh.gif If you are right, this keeps on getting better. I can imagine the 6'7" perp meeting with his hit man to go over strategy. Too funny.
Re: They just blocked Pope\'s webite!!

That would be a really stupid thing to do -- after all, if you were going to ask someone to help you with a writing assignment, wouldn't you hire a native speaker, or at least someone who was good at it?

(BTW: There are many foreign graduate students I've worked with who have an excellent command of written English -- you would never guess they were not native speakers by their writing, and they would have written a lot better than this!)