They won't give up

You're right about that. Man, they do play their asses off until the end. I can never find fault in that!
It really was. Losing Gostis on the first play of the game didn't help. I just can't believe our O line is this awful...
They are like the little engines that could.... but they can't :(
Lynch played hard all game, as he has all year long.

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I agree. What sucks even more is that if we were anything like last year we could beat UGAg.
Yep - shame so many of our fans have written these guys off. Love the resiliency
Much rather lose 27-14 than lose like that. Seriously. The effort is great but it makes it hurt worse.
"These are the times that try men's souls"---or something along that order. Just beat Ugag!
We will be a much better team in the long run due to this season. I left early because of family commitments but this team fights and fights and fights.

I said it afte last week that the team deserved that win to mean so much more. Another loss that's inches away from sure victory.

But seriously though ... the one thing PJ had right in his tenure was the offense. Even that is flying out the window this year. Is it really just a ton of injuries? Well yea, somewhat. But I can't help but feel that even at full power this season would have still landed somewhere in the area of .500. I also don't buy the "we've been so close" argument either. This may be the worst ACC since Chan and Wake Forest won their divisions. I mean it is a total **** show out there conference wide except Clemson. And GT is still racking up the biggest loss count in a generation.

The team chemistry seems fine. But this team is much older and experienced than they're given credit. Which lends itself to some conclusions:
- Last year had some exceptionally good fortune in the turnover department
- Last year had some key blockers on the edge who went largely under-appreciated
- At skill positions I think the PLAYMAKER gap is hugely underrated and talent/stars is overrated. I actually think GT has at least on offense some good playmakers. But...
- At OL/DL positions, there I think talent and stars REALLY matters. There's a reason all serious fighting sports organize in weight divisions. There is only so much you can ask perpetually outweight outsized people to do for you. Gotsis has an unusually good motor for his size. Freeman has unusually good burst speed for his size. It's a lot of no bueno out there beyond that.

I want to see how the defense looks after four years of Roof before I render judgement. But I will say that 5 years of .500 ball for one 10 win season, going 2 for 7 against the tards ... I don't think I'm happy with that. But I think The Hill is aye-OK with that, as are some GT fans (the same, no doubt, who thought Gailey just needed more time...)

TL;DR: I realize the tendency is to go "we're so close!" but I have a feeling in my stomach things are worse than that, based upon how poorly they've done against the worst ACC since at least 2006, and maybe even double digit years beyond that.
This may be the worst ACC since Chan and Wake Forest won their divisions. I mean it is a total **** show out there conference wide except Clemson. And GT is still racking up the biggest loss count in a generation.


The SEC seems to be sucking again this year too. I think the ESPN crew is starting to feel like CNBC trying to prop them up.
clemson, fsu, and duke all got way better since 06. i guess a few dropped off, namely miami and vt.

Boston College had some guy by the name of Matt Ryan in '06. Whoever that is. Finished the season ranked. Fridge won ACC COTY at 9-4 ... and was promptly fired for it. How's that goin' for ya Maryland?

The ACC in 2006 was probably worse. The conference racked up an APPALLING record against the Big East and SEC that year (think batting average numbers). But I think you do have to go back to 2006 to find an ACC in worse shape.