This is for you Beebad #2


Damn Good Rat
Sep 18, 2002
Sir, I just read your charges about I,Techfan45,BarrelO'Rum over on BuzzOFF. The one with you accusing me and the others of attempting to start TWO more threads about topic content after you locked the two that you started.

The only thread I started after the others was locked was the one welcoming Joesph Gilbert to Tech. And it is still there.....complete with Bunger's sad reply.

If I didn't start two other threads, the chances are you are lying about Techfan and Barrel also.....

By the way, you and MSTA remind of two dogs attached to each other by their private parts......just rotating around and looking for help to extract themselves from the other. And everyone outside the circle getting a good laugh. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif

By the way, you and MSTA remind of two dogs attached to each other by their private parts......just rotating around and looking for help to extract themselves from the other. And everyone outside the circle getting a good laugh. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Sort of a pathetic patois of socialist communism where it's more important to belong to a group than it is to bee an individiant. I get the picture.

Welcome back to Stinktalk, State! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cheers.gif
gnats67: Glad to be back. I'm still feeling my way around the board. It's a little arkward since it has been so long.

Reminds of what sex was like after going out to sea for 5-6 months when I was in the Navy. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/drinking.gif
Welcome back to Stingtalk SLJ.

Now give 'em HELL Tech!

And beat those Calhoun Yellow Jackets, Adairsville Tigers! (well, maybe someday)
Statelinejacket, I observed most of the debate...

While visiting BO & to be quite honest I was pleasantly
surprised that you challenged BB on his obvious bad
judgement to criticise our newest recruit. I think he
probably regrets it now but he has too much pride to admit

There are actually some hardcore Tech fans that post over
there but they see things differently than most. BO is a
forum that views things in a different light, right or
gtownjacket: Beebad messed up big time and probably does know it. But it takes a big man to admit when you are wrong.....instead he just kept digging himself in deeper. Eventually playing the race card to find some way as to question why I was justifying an offering of a scholarship to a so-called '1 STAR' player.

It hardly helps when he had MSTA as his biggest supporter. Beebad must be stuffing dollar bills down her support hose these days. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif
It just gets better and better over you have to be registered to even read the board, not just to post.

Heh. Talk about bunker mentality!

Hopefully, the sad ol' BO will fade away and the good fonts there will go back to forums REAL discourse is permitted and lies, innunendo and personal attacks are not.
It's like they keep shooting themselves in the foot and continue to make their forum less and less relevant.

And they still don't have a domain name.

Thunder: Your right, it's my opinion also that Beebad damaged his board with his statements. But instead of just shooting himself in the foot, I'd say he pretty much shots his nuts off. With MSTA backing up his comments he didn't need them anyway. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugher.gif

What also grates me is how just last week he proclaimed southerners is a region prevalent with timid, two faced liars....WTTE.

As if being polite to someone who you inwardly disagree with makes you a two faced liar. He asserts that northerners are more direct and will spell out their opinions regardless of the consequences.

Well good for them Yankees. But when I, Techfan45, BarrelO'Rum, knox jacket, GEETEELEE....etc. give him a direct opinion he can't take the heat.

Personally, I have no use for anyone who does not show respect for our southern culture and our student athletes. And I certainly I don't like someone like him and prix, who apparently never attended Tech, bashing our recruits just to get at CG. How in the world can they imagine that they know what is the best for our unique institution in the first place?!
I certainly I don't like someone like him and prix, who apparently never attended Tech, bashing our recruits just to get at CG.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's pathetic! I hope they make it increasingly difficult to find, read and post on that board. We don't need our recruits thinking that their mentality is acceptable. It's counter-productive to continually second guess the decisions of the higher ups in our program. They make the decisions and you don't have to like it but you shouldn't behave in a manner that is detrimental to your programs future. It's clearly obvious that their behavior(from what I'm hearing here) would discourage recruits from attending OUR fine institute.
It's like democrats and the war. Bitchin aint gonna help squat.
that behavior..........

They make the decisions and you don't have to like it but you shouldn't behave in a manner that is detrimental to your programs future. It's clearly obvious that their behavior(from what I'm hearing here) would discourage recruits from attending OUR fine institute.

[/ QUOTE ]

.....sounds curiously familiar to that threatened in a letter by a certain Rockdale insurance peddler awhile back.

Sad. Inconsequential....yet sad, just the same.
Re: Reading Beebad and BuzzOFF tonight..........

He just doesn't get it. And 2 or 3 others don't either.

Was I defending a new recruit who was used by Beebad to make a rip at Chan Gailey? Yes Sir I was.

But what else was I hitting on that Beebad and 2 or 3 others refuse to acknowledge? The fact that we have a new recruiting coordinator and 4 new coaches who are suppose to be strong recruiters with strong connections in Georgia. We also have a new athlectic director in Dan Radakovich, who has to be given a chance to establish a better dialogue with 'the Hill' than what we have had in the past.

Why support their hirings....and I know most of you did....and then not give them a chance to improve our recruiting? And why couldn't Joesph Gilbert be just the first result of a better approach to recruiting?

And I will never be back on BuzzOFF without a full fledged apology from Beebad and MSTA for directly stating that my motives on defending the offering of a scholarship to Joesph Gilbert was race related.

And even then I'll probably say hell no!