Oy veh, not the Temple!Hold takes a wide open 49 yard TD off the board for Temple. Brutal.
I’m here for it, I enjoy watching the option when it’s working.Army is going to do bad things to Temple.
I am expecting some very serious shenanigans in that one. I can imagine a 12-11 final.Tomorrow night would be a good time for VPI to make the switch from sucking OOC to winning in conference (@ Miami).
They have never recovered from losing their coach in 2018.Should we pity Temple? How much do you pity Temple? In what way has Temple's dog öööö football program negatively impacted your life? Don't be afraid to be honest and extremely personal.
High School Offense 2.0. Much butthurt on ST.Wow, Jeff Monken is killing it this year. 3-0 and even beat Lehigh. I wonder what would have happened if he came to Tech
You just don't want to see the progressTemple didn't make it lads. What has become of college football?