To add to the circus...

As Miami can not seem to pull the trigger and Chan remains "still in the mix", I have now officially decided that I hope he goes. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening.

For Chan to interview with the NFL is not hard to understand. But, typically when one's name is mentioned as a candidate and the job offer does not come quickly one usually steps up and removes his name from consideration. That is done to protect one's ralationship with their current employer. Unfortunately, Chan has not done that. He was content to interview with two teams in one year, do a second interview with Miami, and is willing to wait patiently for their decision. Therefore, it is hard for me as a Tech fan to believe anything other than, "there is somewhere he'd rather be".

Overall, I think he has done a good job for GT. But, it is clear to me, and will be to rival recruiting coaches in the next recruiting season, that Chan would rather coach the Steelers or Dolphins than the Jackets.

If the Dolphins don't work out for him, it is hard for me to conceive that this won't have a negative effect on next season and those to follow if he continues as our coach.