To the "fan" in Gold


Flats Noob
Aug 10, 2002
To the \"fan\" in Gold

in Section 110 approx. row 38, seat 2,3,4 or around who was yelling, in a loud enough voice to amuse the mutts sitting around him, "get some balls Gailey, damn you Gailey, go to hell Gailey," you are pathetic. If you post/read hear, you should be ashamed of your actions.

Such crap is useless regardless of the situation. The plays CCG was calling at this point were not bad at all. However, even if they were, your poison was unecessarily spewed.
Re: To the \"fan\" in Gold

I appreciate your post and I might add, you got guts my friend. Thanks much.
Re: To the \"fan\" in Gold

Spellingbee .. you should have told him this at the game
Why wait until you are home and behind a typewriter ?
Re: To the \"fan\" in Gold

Spellingbee .. you should have told him this at the game
Why wait until you are home and behind a typewriter ?

[/ QUOTE ]

Ahh.... the benefits of a faceless medium, love how we're all badasses online.
Not trying to be a badass...

and maybe I should have said something at the game. I did turn around and make eye-contact and shook my head. I'm sure I didn't intimidate him or anything, but he did notice.

I guess I'm the first and only one to have commented on this message board about a fan's behavior at a game. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif
Maybe I should have herbee...

I had just watched a confrontation between a GT fan and a ugag fan. It's not usually my thing, but maybe I should have. I think he got a lot of looks because it got kinda quiet around him and he didn't say anything else.