Today only: Buzz Rug at Woot


Nov 29, 2007
For the GT fan who has everything.

$23 at today only. 3 x 4 ft

That's pretty cool. Love woot, never figured on seeing Buzz on there though.
This will be great in my office for taunting Tennessee grads for the next 6 months. A little velcro and it becomes a wall-hanging.
This will be great in my office for taunting Tennessee grads for the next 6 months. A little velcro and it becomes a wall-hanging.

EDIT: And it's "true team colors" so I'll always know what the right shade of gold is.
WTF is Woot? Never heard of it.

It's a "one deal a day" site where every day they sell a different item. Unless there's a woot off going on then they change the item every time the previous item sells out.
Can I get one that bursts into flaming hot brimstone if a dwag walks on it?
It's a "one deal a day" site where every day they sell a different item. Unless there's a woot off going on then they change the item every time the previous item sells out.
They have a pretty cool tshirt sub-site, or it was when I was still buying from them. Not all of them are great but I think I bought a dozen or so over the course of a year, it was worth checking regularly.

edit: to remove implication that all their shirts were intended to be funny or joke shirts. they have a pretty good variety of themes and a crazy wide range of contributors which are really good artists.
Woot the hell, just bought one. Cuz I 80k. Did I do that right?
Yep. Now give me your rug. I want to glue it to the inside of my passenger-side windshield. That's not illegal right?