Tom Mcreesh


Dec 8, 2001
Anyone notice this guy was the referee for the Clemson game and last night's game. We had the phantom fair catch call in the Clemson game, along with his crew overturning a backwards lateral that there is no way eveidence could been irrefutable. Then we get a call on Chris Reis yesterday on their TD drive that was 15 yards for merely shoving the ballcarrier. And on another drive Adamm Oliver got held clean as day right in front of Hagans on 3rd down which they converted. That drive went for a field goal.

I am donwright sick and tired of the poor ACC officiating. I can't remember anytime or the last few years that we have gotten a controversial call in our favor. It always seems to be us who get bitten in the ass by the officials. And its not getting any better, not on the road, and not at Bobby Dodd either. Remember the phantom call in the ACC Championship game against Anthony Morrow on JJ Reddick this past year. What is it that ACC officials have against the success of GT?
I have to bump this b/c I'm still curiosu to see if anyone thinks recent ACC officiting has been a complete joke.
Ron Cherry is the best in the South.

When a ref continues making bad calls against 1...

team, I don't call that poor officiating. I call that "working an agenda."
I hope y\'all don\'t think I\'m wearing a tinfoil hat

but UVA is going to see a marked difference in the way the calls go this Saturday.

VT will get every close call and some that aren't. As will Miami IMHO.
I noticed some where in the last year a comment about how the two conferences do football. The SEC apparerently has a crew that goes around together. The ACC refs don't do that and you can wind up with a different group of refs each week. When you referee any kind of sport it can make a difference.
The worst call Saturday was the roughing the passer call against GT. PJ was hit at least as hard, at least as high, and at least as late on the pass that he threw, and no call. I thought it was a good no call on PJ, but if you are going to call it, call it both ways.

I still don't understand what the call was on Reis--he walks away, the UVa player gets in his face, and the personal foul is on Reis.

There was an agenda, but I've seen it for several decades now.
Reis got screwed. I've seen the refs do this in a few games in a couple different conferences this year. They seem to think that if the player looks like he's heading out of bounds then the defender doesn't need to knock him to make sure. Its rediculous, and doesn't take into consideration how well some of these guys can cut. Its BS and I hope it doesn't carry on to next year, but I see it increasing in the past couple weeks, we'll see what happens in the next few and through the bowl season.
From the booth camera angle, I thought 'oh crap, that was a late hit' but on the replays they showed a view from the endzone (basically Reis' point of view) and it didn't look like he was out of bounds yet so I couldn't fault Reis for it.

The announcers said that since PJ is an RB throwing the ball then he's not protected under the same rules as a true QB - not that they agreed with it, but that's how it is.
Why would we expect anything different than what we've seen for years in hoops (anybody remember the extremely bogus foul call in the ACC championship game last year)?

This is why I had to chuckle at another post that said the ACC is proud of our bowl participation streak and would find a way to help us keep it alive, even if we lose to both Miami and Ugag in blowouts.
I will be very surprised if you...

are not right about this. The ACC has 4.5mm reasons to insure VT and U have only 1 loss. The SEC needs a good OOC win and GT is the last opportunity.

I think we faced a stacked deck last week and expect that to continue the next 2 weeks. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/soapbox.gif
We got lucky on Bilbo's TD. The reason he was so wide open was because the CB let him go after forcing him out of bounds which should have resulted in an illegal touching call, but the referee missed it.
JTS, the ref didn\'t miss a thing.

It is legal to come back in bounds, after being forced out, to make a catch. The only caveat is that the receiver must make an attempt to come back in immediately and not run down the sidelines out of bounds.