Tuesdays practice Aoril 6th


Nov 19, 2001
GTadamni and I enjoyed a good practice today. Sure he can add to my report. Was unable to attend about the first hour of drills.

Want to comment that GTAdamni has a great attitude about GT football and practices. Makes watching and chatting very pleasant. We hung out on the Hill with Mr. Suggs and others. Get a kick out of how Mr. Suggs can't stand those r's to drop or not make a good break on the ball. He's right too. I think GTAdamni would agree that first short scrimmage segment was not real sharp. Some fumbles, ITs, and dropped passes. Gailey gathered the entired team together odviously not pleased. Things really picked up after that.

Thought the D owned the Offense most of the day until the last red zone scrimmage of the day where the offense was making plays big time!!

I don't like to comment on who's on first and second team. Honestly, we don't have a real good way of knowing who is banged up or not. Hobbie had his left calf heavily rapped, so Hargrove took most of the snaps with first unit. Does that mean Hobbie isn't first team? Well, I don't know. They want the best that given day with the best to compet I believe. Today that was Hargove.

Both Bilbo and Suggs had there moments passing and running.

Want to comment that they did run the "OK drill" today. Love it!!! It's just intense. Where they had the three mini fields placed was hard to see a lot from the hill. Did notice C. Collins making several big hits. Hollings got popped several time by differnt people and caughed up the ball. WHen Tony learns to hold on to the ball, he should be super. I think the coaches will straighten that out. Will note that he wasn't the only one fumbling today untill later in practice.

Some highlights:

Thought the play of the game was a bootleg end and around reverse. Suggs rolls out and flips the ball to Smith. He danced into the endzone. Houston lost contain on the play, but honestly Smith just put a servious move on him. Gailey had some words with Houston who I thought other than that play had a super practice. Took one IT back for TD earlier in practice. Batted down several others. One of which he was upset he didn't pick it off as he slaps his head.

Two nice TD tosses from Bilbo to Smith and Johnson on read zone scrimmage. Both under pressure and good plays by QB and recievers.

The blitzes today were causing problems for the QBs but a few times Bilbo got away. He's got serious wheels.

Hollings took a run off tackle and bounced outside with a quick burst for a long run. He really seems to know where the hole is. People will like his speed, quickness, size, and power. JUST HOLD ON TO THAT BALL TONY!!
Which I think he will in time.

Want to comment a diff in D this spring from last in my opinion. The D seems to know what it's doing. At this point in the scheme of things they are flying around confident. Lots of different people making plays. The second team D has no problem handling the second team O in the practices today. Looking for guys to really step up for depth on offensive line.

Kicking game looked exceptional today except for a guy getting through to block a Dyke punt. Not sure if it was great D or bad O play. Both punters really booming them.

Kickers looked solid as well. Saw one from 45 yards hit the upright. Other than that and one bad snap the kicks where good. Believe they were from 45. Hard to tell on practice field.

Fun stuff. Really enjoy practice. If you have any questions I'll try to answer the best I can. GTAdamni??
Thanks for doing the report...I wasn't really going to have time to do one today.

You're right, the first scrimmage portion, and just the first half of practice in general, was sloppy. After Gailey gathered the whole team together and fussed at them they played much better. At first I thought they were fumbling and dropping so many passes at the beginning because the ball was probably wet, but they seemed to hold onto it better after Gailey got onto them, so maybe it wasn't only because of the moisture.

A couple other things I would like to add.

Butler was back out there today, and he looks solid. If for any reason Muyres ever can't go, I would feel totally comfortable with Butler back there. After Muyres graduates Butler will step right in and do a good job.

I think I heard you mention this, too, but I really like Travis Parker out there at DT. He's got really good quickness for a DT. If he can keep that quickness and put on just a little bit more weight then he is going to be awesome. I have a good feeling that we'll get much better play from out DTs this year between Malone continuing to get better, Gary Johnson (who was probably our best DT last year), and Parker. I guess it's not only those 3, though. Some of the others should be able to contribute as well.

Rahshan Johnson is playing pretty well at WR. I thought it would take him a little bit longer to get used to the switch, but he looks good out there.
Great report! I really look forward to these updates and I think I will have to get together and buy a round of beers to show my appreciation.

I will be at the springfest and cant wait to see for myself the new team.