No team gets their players up week after week.
Don't get your Miami comment. So they're not strong, which must mean Va Tech isn't either. Or Va Tech's coaches aren't any good since they can't get their team up for a game with Miami.
We lost to ugag because of our mistakes. You can blame that on coaching if you like, but the fact is our players are good enough to beat anyone on our schedule WHEN WE PLAY WELL. Playing well is a combination of coaching, experience, focus, luck, and confidence among other things. Right now we lack a little in the confidence and experience departments at some positions and maybe focus at others. Those are things that coaches work to overcome and correct. We actually have a pretty good team this year as evidenced by the fact that it was our mistakes that lost the ugag game rather than their play that beat us. While I'm pissed we let it get away, I at least understand it's about us. Rather than bitching and moaning about how we're going to hell in a handbasket.
BTW, what do you mean by recruiting top/national players? If you're looking for top 10 recruiting classes we're never going to do it. Top 25 maybe in some years, but I doubt that either on any kind of consistent basis. But if watching college football as long as I have has convinced me of anything it's that you don't need to do that to be successful. You need to recruit well, but that's not the same as making the recruiting gurus excited.