"Unprecedented" penalties TBA for PSU

As opposed to being old and stubborn?

You're so wrapped up in the hoopla that you don't even want to look at the entire situation.

I'm doing a better job of understanding the situation than you. You're all over the ----ing place.
:popcorn: I can't wait until 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.
I'm doing a better job of understanding the situation than you. You're all over the ----ing place.

All over the place as in saying from the beginning that it doesn't make sense for the NCAA to get involved.

I see how that could confuse you.
USC wasn't long enough and we don't know what #s of scholarships they may be talking about.

Unless they can next to kill the PSU program and send them scrambling to FCS football, what I'm saying is it doesn't ----ing matter. If they use scholly reductions and bowl bans that place a measurement on child rape which is completely stupid since they regulate fair competition.

The only avenue of punishment the NCAA could take is show immorality in overall institutional control and crush the program. Or do nothing. Those are the NCAAs only two options. What I'm saying is there is no in between without damaging what the NCAA is supposed to stand for and at the same time minimalize a massive child rape coverup.
All over the place as in saying from the beginning that it doesn't make sense for the NCAA to get involved.

I see how that could confuse you.

Go read the morality clause in NCAA guidelines as it governs institutional control and then get back to me dumbass.
Unless they can next to kill the PSU program and send them scrambling to FCS football, what I'm saying is it doesn't ----ing matter. If they use scholly reductions and bowl bans that place a measurement on child rape which is completely stupid since they regulate fair competition.

The only avenue of punishment the NCAA could take is show immorality in overall institutional control and crush the program. Or do nothing. Those are the NCAAs only two options. What I'm saying is there is no in between without damaging what the NCAA is supposed to stand for and at the same time minimalize a massive child rape coverup.


5 year bowl ban
60 scholarships cut
No TV for 3 years

Go read the morality clause in NCAA guidelines as it governs institutional control and then get back to me dumbass.

You seem to really struggle with expressing your opinion in a mature manner.
@PSU_Smith_76: Stop asking if im transferring im staying at PSU no matter what I love my school
Let it go paintballer. Just agree with the rest of the board.

Right now you are a contra account. Not cool man, not cool. :)
Let it go paintballer. Just agree with the rest of the board.

Right now you are a contra account. Not cool man, not cool. :)

You should be ashamed for that.

I find it a little hard to believe a board that is so adamant about how corrupt the NCAA is doesn't see the opportunity for it to get much worse by setting this precedent.
@PSU_Smith_76: Stop asking if im transferring im staying at PSU no matter what I love my school

There will be a lot of recruits and HS players who grew up rooting for PSU that will say the same thing. No doubt their team would take a big hit with a five year bowl ban and lost scholarships, but it won't be anything near what the death penalty for even one year would do.

You should be ashamed for that.

I find it a little hard to believe a board that is so adamant about how corrupt the NCAA is doesn't see the opportunity for it to get much worse by setting this precedent.

I do. See my multiple posts in many threads about how this was not a competitive advantage issue.

That said, NCAA is going to hammer them.
If the NCAA had any semblance of credibility left, they could be concerned about those options. Seeing as how they just run the show arbitrarily and everyone knows it, it will not surprise me when they land in the middle.

Just for fun wild speculation: could the NCAA dissociate PSU for a few years, or force them out of the B1G?

5 year bowl ban
60 scholarships cut
No TV for 3 years

You seem to really struggle with expressing your opinion in a mature manner.

60 scholarships over how long? 12 over a 5 year period just minimalized the incident and further clouds the purpose of the NCAA. You're making my point.

I have short patience with people who consistently show signs of not understanding a point that is so very simple.
You should be ashamed for that.

I find it a little hard to believe a board that is so adamant about how corrupt the NCAA is doesn't see the opportunity for it to get much worse by setting this precedent.

I ----ing get it. That's why it's either do nothing. Far extreme of one side, or do everything, the far extreme of another. Anything else and your precedence argument comes into play.
60 scholarships over how long? 12 over a 5 year period just minimalized the incident and further clouds the purpose of the NCAA. You're making my point.

I have short patience with people who consistently show signs of not understanding a point that is so very simple.

There's no reason to punish them at all. You're right, it is simple.