Very good interview with Dave Braine on 790!!


Nov 19, 2001
He really had some class things to say about Coach O'leary. Could feel his voice in how much he respects and wants the best for Coach O'leary. Stating he feels he'll pay a price being assistant in pro level for few years then he'll be back as a head coach in college. Talked about how everyone in GTAA is pulling for him.

Really looking forward to ESPN tonight at 7. Hope this show doesn't have a negative twist. Feel real good about the three players that were followed around. Bilbo, Suggs, and Myers are super guys that will represent themselves and GT well. This really could be a huge recruiting tool. For those of you that don't know they followed around Bilbo, Suggs, and Myers for three or so days seeing what life was like on campus for these student athletes. They did the same with three players/students at Washington St. The segment will be on Thursday night at 7PM.

Some other notes from interview. Stadium will be ready for Aug 31. They are 5 days AHEAD of schedule. There will be some ajustments for first game as far as intering the stadium because of construction, but once people are familar it shouldn't be a problem.

They touched on minority coaches in college football. This came up because of Hewitt. The head basketball coach was getting praise in interview. Braine stated that GT has the most minority coaches in ACC. It just turned out that way. They hired the best men for the job.

One last thing. Both guys on 790 were very positive about how well Coach Gailey is recieved once people meet him. They were referring to media as well as fans. Braine points out that he and Coach Gailey both know he hasn't won a game yet. Time to hit the field and produce wins!

Very good interview. Good coverage from 790 The Zone. Hope all of you 790 bashers will email them and say thanks. Helps to praise when things are good if you're going to bash when things are bad. ;-)
Good show! thanks for the info we who live out of state get very little (in Alabama) to no new of Tech. Again heap bunch of thanks.

Thanks, Terr. Us out-of-towners need updates like that. Preciate it.
Originally posted by GTTerrific:
He really had some class things to say about Coach O'leary. Could feel his voice in how much he respects and wants the best for Coach O'leary.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Gee, guess we can kiss that $1.5M goodbye...

"hey no problem, we'll just tax it from the alumni thru parking fees... Haha, they'll pay thru the nose or they'll park in Winder and ride Marta, Haha..."

Don't kiss the $1.5 million good bye! That's another issue all together. It was in his contract. He bolted. Should have to pay it.