Very thoughtful 'The Good Word #7'

GT Ace

Jolly Good Fellow
Dec 3, 2001
Radakovich is pretty impressive.
Here he discusses posting on future recruits personal web sites-don't do it! WREK simulcasts night football & basketball gms which should help everybody get to hear the gms in the metro area, but didn't mention if the pregame & postgame shows were on our student station. As usual, Rad has some useful things to say.
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As opposed to the past, every time Dan has opened his mouth since he has been here, it has been very good for Ga. Tech.

Of this issue of "TGW", I especially appreciate his honesty on the radio situation.
His appraisal of 790 was a politician's wet dream. "Far more good...than harm" Beautiful!
While there is only one 750 in town, I suspect a real flagship station with some coverage is what he will deliver.
It's good to hear the flagship station issue being addressed. I do appreciate having WREK simulcast the night games. I always turn down the TV sound and listen to the broadcast with Wes for road games, so it's nice to have that stong signal.
GT65_UGA89 said:
I always turn down the TV sound and listen to the broadcast with Wes for road games, so it's nice to have that stong signal.

Doesn't the delay bother you? I've always heard about folks doing this and I've tried it several times but the radio broadcast is always noticably ahead of TV - such that i hear i the pass is complete before the qb throws it.
he might have tivo, start watching it 3-5 seconds delayed or something and then its just about right.
RamblinPeck said:
he might have tivo, start watching it 3-5 seconds delayed or something and then its just about right.
Wouldn't that make it even worse?
Heh, probably. Sorry, got back from a business trip out west and still a little jeg lagged at the time I wrote that.
A good point has been brought up about the delay situation. It can be difficult at times, but I have been able to hang in there by implementing various methodology.

One solution is to listen to the 790 broadcast online while watching the telecast. My problem with this is my basement den is two stories below my upstairs office. I can go upstairs and watch the game in my bedroom and hear the computer from my office (done this once), but hell, I paid $18K to finish my basement so I'd rather watch downstairs.

Now that I'm thinking about it, what I may do this year is hook my D-Link back up and use my wife's laptop (she's a HS teacher and they requisition each teacher a laptop) to listen to 790 from my basement.

I've tried everything over the years. What I end up doing more times than not (if the WREK delay starts getting to me) is listening to the 790 broadcast through and old sony walkman w/radio. I can usually get decent enough reception this way.
Actually, if you wanted to get really geeky, you could do this with a HTPC (home theater PC). I use SageTV, and it allows you to set a delay for your video, and you can set it to be negative (i.e. the audio would be delayed instead of the video). Then, use a capture card with FM (or the audio input from your receiver for AM) as the audio source.